

This curricular unit has the following objectives:
To present the fundamentals of leadership
Distinguish leadership and management
Exploring key leadership skills
Consider the contradictions and paradoxes inherent to leadership

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Miguel Pina e Cunha


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese | English


Available soon


Rego, A. & Cunha, M.P. (2020). Paradoxos da liderança. Lisboa: Sílabo.

Teaching method

The assessment of this curricular unit is done together with the block of curricular units of the same area of knowledge. This assessment has 3 moments, which together define the final grade of the curricular unit:

Evaluation method

• Individual exam with a weighting of 50% of the total mark
• Group work with a weighting of 35% of the total grade value
• Individual reflection-action exercise carried out at the end of the curricular unit, with a weighting of 15% of the total grade value. The set of individual action-reflection exercises is a journaling activity, which will constitute, at the end, a learning portfolio capable of synthesising the contributions of the Executive Master for that student.

Subject matter

Leadership: what is it?
Leadership vs management
Critical leadership skills


Programs where the course is taught: