

This course offers a strategic and integrated perspective about how to prepare and how to deal with different types of negotiating situations when the objective is to build a constructive and cooperative relationship that favors value creation. Building from simple to complex negotiations, the course provides an analytical framework that allows participants to understand their negotiating situation, the tactics that are available given the situation, and the array of moves that can be employed to improve their prospects by changing the situation. The negotiation capabilities of participants are developed through the combination of lectures, group discussions and actual negotiation exercises conducted by participants.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Almeida Costa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese | English


Available soon


• Dierickx, I., “Price Negotiations - The Distributive Dimension of Bargaining”, 2008, mimeo.
• Schelling, T., “Bargaining, Communication and Limited War”, em The Strategy of Conflict, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1980, págs. 53-80.
• Schelling, T., “An Essay on Bargaining”, em The Strategy of Conflict, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1980, págs. 21-52.
• Sebenius, J.K., “Six Habits of Merely Effective Negotiators”, Harvard Business Review, Abril 2001, págs. 87-95.
• Episy
• CP France-MégaMarché

Teaching method

This course develops the negotiation skills of participants through a carefully controlled combination of lectures, group discussions, negotiation exercises carried out by participants.

Evaluation method

The assessment of this curricular unit is done together with the block of curricular units of the same area of knowledge. This assessment has 3 moments, which together define the final grade of the curricular unit:
• Individual exam with a weighting of 50% of the total mark
• Group work with a weighting of 35% of the total grade value
• Individual reflection-action exercise carried out at the end of the curricular unit, with a weighting of 15% of the total grade value. The set of individual action-reflection exercises is a journaling activity, which will constitute, at the end, a learning portfolio capable of synthesising the contributions of the Executive Master for that student.

Subject matter

In this session, we discuss the typical challenges associated with price negotiations and analyze how to position a negotiation to our advantage. Some of the issues discussed are: How to prepare a negotiation? How to open a negotiation? How to react to different types of offers? How to manage our concession pattern? How to resist demands for concessions? What is the role of arguments in a negotiation?
In this session, we identify the problems that negotiators typically face in implementing a package deal approach and discuss how to overcome those difficulties. Some of the topics analyzed are: How to build a negotiable agenda? How to deal with different types of issues? How to deal with the negotiation process to build a constructive and cooperative atmosphere that favors value creation? How to avoid processes of escalation of conflict?