People Management 


A. Knowledge and Understanding
a. Understand the importance of HRM in the context of the overall strategy of organizations
b. Understand the impact of HR practices on employee attitudes and behaviors
c. Understand the challenges faced by managers in attracting, managing and retaining talent
d. Evaluate the fit between organizational strategy and human resource practices
e. Understand the need for HR bundles
B. Subject-Specific Skills
a. Specific techniques for human resource management
b. Interpersonal relations
C. General Skills
a. Communication (written, verbal and graphical)
b. Team work
c. Analytical skills

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Filipa Castanheira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese | English


Available soon


(NHGW) Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. (2012) “Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage” (Global Edition), McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780077140892

Teaching method

The Course combines diferente types of learning experiences: Lectures (including debates and discussions), group works, vídeos, paper and/or case study discussions by students and/or role play.

Evaluation method

The assessment of this curricular unit is done together with the block of curricular units of the same area of knowledge. This assessment has 3 moments, which together define the final grade of the curricular unit:
• Individual exam with a weighting of 50% of the total mark
• Group work with a weighting of 35% of the total grade value
• Individual reflection-action exercise carried out at the end of the curricular unit, with a weighting of 15% of the total grade value. The set of individual action-reflection exercises is a journaling activity, which will constitute, at the end, a learning portfolio capable of synthesising the contributions of the Executive Master for that student.

Subject matter

HRM and corporate strategy
Atracting, selecting and retaining high quality talento
Performance management and rewards
How is the HRM function changing and more challenges