Marketing Communications 


- Introduce the key Marketing Communications (Advertising & Promotion) theory, ideas, and practices, with the core theme of delivering benefits to customers, preparing you to develop a Communications plan in the current digital media environment.

- Show how Integrated Marketing communications programs follow a planning process addressed in the curricular unit and are executed via implementation tactics discussing concrete case studies.

- Discuss implementation examples using the framework

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Gardete


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese | English


Available soon


- John R. Rossiter, Larry Percy, Lars Bergkvist (2018), Marketing Communications, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics. Sage Publications Ltd

? Larry Percy & Richard Elliott (2016), Strategic Advertising Management, 5th ed. Oxford University Press

? Patrick De Pelsmacker, Maggie Geuens, Jori Van den Bergh (2017) Marketing Communications, a European Perspective, 6th ed. FT Prentice Hall

- Sunil Gupta, Joseph Davin (2019), Digital Marketing, Core Curriculum Reading, Harvard Business Publishing

? John Rossiter & Larry Percy (1997), Advertising and Promotion Management 2nd ed. New York, McGraw Hill

-Les Binet, Peter Field (2017), Media in Focus, Marketing Effectiveness in the Digital Era, IPA Publication, with Google and Thinkbox

- Sunil Gupta (2018), Driving Digital Strategy, chapter 9, Harvard Business Review Press

-Kearon, Ewing, Wood (2017) System1, Unlocking Profitable Growth, System 1 Group PLC

Teaching method

The curricular unit will be a mix of theory, cases and discussions. A hands-on approach to the subject will be used with many examples and material from the field.

Evaluation method

The evaluation will be based on an individual work (75%) and participation/ attendance (25%)

Subject matter

Marketing Communications

1. Concepts and Marketing Objectives

2. Selection of target Audience, action objectives and customer understanding

3. Communication Objectives and Brand Positioning

4. Creative Strategy and Execution

5. Media strategy in a Digital environment

6. Campaign tracking and evaluation


Programs where the course is taught: