Applied Research Methods 


The goal of this course is to teach advanced research methods for business context. In particular the course will endow students on how to design a proper methodology to collect data to analyze distinct business problems (i.e., research questions). It’s a multi-method course, thus encompassing both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.

A. Knowledge and Understanding

•Understanding the importance of conducting high-quality research in business research

•Discuss the different research methodologies

•Critically evaluate the suitability of different research methodologies to answer different research questions

B. Subject-Specific Skills

•Understand the importance of making business decisions based on reliable data

•Learn how to define a problem to-be solved (i.e., research question)

•Learn how to select the proper methodology (quantitative and/or qualitative) to answer a specific problem to-be solved in the business context

•Link the specific data to data analysis methods

C. General Skills

•Develop critical thinking skills

•Develop anlytical skills

•Communicate in oral form in the roles of both presenter and discussant

•Work in teams

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Natalie Truong


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


•Gliner, J.A., Morgan, G. A., & Leech, N. L. (2017). Research Methods in Applied Settings: An Integrated Approach to Design and Analysis, Third Edition. New York, Ny: Routledge, 2017.

•Christensen, L.  B., Johnson,  R.R., &  Turner, L. A. (2015). Research  Methods,  Design,  and  Analysis. 12th Edition. London: Pearson Education.

•Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A., & Bristow, A. (2019). Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development. In book: Research Methods for Business Students (pp.128-171). Edition: 8th Chapter: 4 Publisher: Pearson Education.

Teaching method

This curricular unit consists in 3h class per week and feedback meetings with teams. These are mostly lectures but also include students’ presentations. Slides used in class are posted on Moodle. Students are expected to look at these before class.

Evaluation method

Grading will take into account the following elements:

1. Two individual quizzes (30 minutes each). These quizzes will be solved in class. Weight on the final score: 30%;

2.  Methodology  Plan:  in  groups*,  students  must  develop  a  methodology  plan  to  a  specific  business  problem  to-be solved**. The plan must comply will all the requirements of conducting high-quality research discussed in class. This 10-page report counts for 40% of the final grade;

3. Poster/video presentation: The methodology plan must be presented in the last class in a poster (or video) format. Weight on the final score: 30%.

Subject matter

1: Introduction to research methods

 a. What is high-quality research in business context?

b. Key concepts

c. Defining the problem to-be solved (or research question) and establishing attainable research goals

d. Quantitative vs Qualitative research methods

e. Theory development and literature review

2: Quantitative Research Methods for business –Descriptive methods

a. Key concepts

b. Cross-sectional methods

c. Longitudinal methods

d. How to create reliable survey questions

3: Quantitative Research Methods for business –Causal methods

a. Lab experiments

b. Field experiments

c. Quasi-experimental designs

d. Randomized Experimental designs

4: Qualitative Research Methods for business

a. Key concepts of qualitative research

b.I nterviews

c. Focus Group

d. Observation

5: Data analysis, ethics and reporting

a. Quantitative and Qualitative data analysis methods

b. Levels of evidence and how to report results

c. Ethics in doing research