

  • Justify the use of the approach and the epidemiological methods in research and clinical environments.

  • List and describe the General epidemiological methods, including the design of epidemiological studies and the calculation, analysis and interpretation of epidemiological measures, in particular the epidemiological risk measures.

  • Identify, assess and take into account aspects of the validity of the measurement of exposures and results in health contexts.

  • Know the application criteria for screening programs, and the calculation and interpretation of measures of validity of screening tests.

  • Apply the results of the epidemiological investigation to disease prevention and 

  • control of health problems, namely infection prevention and control, patient safety and quality of care.

  • Critically and systematically review and appraise epidemiological research reports and knowledge components of programs and reports in clinical settings and systems.


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Manuel Vargues Aguiar


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 40

Teaching language



Available soon


  • BEAGLHOLE, R.; BONITA, R.; KJELSTROM, T – Basic Epidemiology – 2nd Ed. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2006.

  • PORTA, M.; GREENLAND, S; LAST, JOHN M., eds. - A Dictionary of Epidemiology. 5th ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2008.

  • GORDIS, L. Epidemiologia, 4ª ed. Loures. Lusodidactica. 2011.

  • FRIIS, R; SELLERS, T – Epidemiology for Public Health practice. 5th Ed. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett; 2014.

  • BRIZ, T Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública. RPSP, Número Especial 25 Anos, 2009, p.35-50.

Teaching method


The classes consist of theoretical presentation of the basic concepts and

methods, and theoretical and practical classes in which teaching-oriented

exercises are held in room. These lessons are complemented with other practical

application, performed by working groups, including the presentation and class

discussion of the work carried out. Give particular attention to the concepts,

frameworks, resolution and interpretation in the context of health research

(clinical, public health and health systems). The evaluation will consider with 35% the frequency and quality of interventions during the face-to-face lessons, and the work performed in Group with oral presentation in class and discussion, and with 65% written exam at the end of the review individual course unit.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

  • Definition, historical landmarks and development of epidemiology.

  • Design, indications, advantages and disadvantages of different types of epidemiological study.

  • Observational epidemiological studies and experimental studies.

  • Calculation, analysis and interpretation of epidemiologic measures of association, frequency and impact.

  • Epidemiological risk measures and their use in clinical and public health applications.

  • Measurement of exposures and results: the error types in epidemiology.

  • Causal inference.

  • Screening programmes: criteria for implementation and measures of validity of screening tests.

  • Applying epidemiology to prevention of infection, patient safety and quality of care.

  • Systematic and critical appraisal of epidemiological research reports.

  • Critical appraisal of Case studies.

  • Basis to develop a research protocol and proposal.


Programs where the course is taught: