Seminário de Investigação
At the end the students shall be able to apply:
The principles and main methods and techniques of a Public health research.
The steps, general plan, Protocol and final report, including the research question, conceptual framework, question and objective selection of design and appropriate
methods including characterization of variables to study a specific question;
The definition identification and selection of the population under study, sample using different techniques, and target population;
The discussion of research results, and the internal and external validity;
Phases and aspects of the preparation of the field work of research in public health, including alternative resolution of obstacles;
Translate tasks in a schedule and quantify costs and sources of financing.
Presentation of protocol and report including preparation of papers for publication.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alexandre Vieira Abrantes
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 36
Teaching language
Available soon
Greg Guest, Emily E. Namey, Editors: Public Health Research Methods. (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 2015.)
Kathryn H. Jacobsen. Introduction to Public Health Research Methods: a practical guide. (Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012).
Creswell J.W.: Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and mixed methods approach. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2014
Bloomberg L.D., Volpe M. Completing your Qualitative Dissertation. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2012)
Bryan, A. Social Research Methods. 4th Edition. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2008)
Teaching method
Available soon
Evaluation method
This course is crafted to support each student in the preparation of his or her research proposal
– Sessions will be eminently practical, with the relevant theoretical/practical background as needed. In each session, students will report on progress done in their respective proposals, on the topic of each class. Some session will be organized in order to promote discussions of the protocols developed by each student – active teaching model.
– The assessment is based on the following parameters: a) Degree and quality of class participation (20%); b) appreciation of individual research protocols presentation (80%).
Subject matter
1. Principles and steps of Public health research.
2. The issue of Public health research - conceptual framework
3. The objectives of an investigation.
4. Study design and selection of the most appropriate methods ;
5. Identification of study population. Sampling techniques;
6. Conceptual and operational characteristics and Types of variables;
7. Reading, interpretation and discussion of the results of an investigation, in the light of existing knowledge. Internal and external validity.
8. Practical aspects and phases of the preparation of the field work of a Public health research,
9. Timeline of tasks and assessing the feasibility of a research process;
10. Budget of a research process. Sources of funding for health research projects;
11. Preparation and presentation of a protocol of a public health investigation, and the report of the results obtained.
12. Principles and practical aspects of preparation of a scientific paper.
Programs where the course is taught: