Human Nutrition
a) To know the components of food, nutrient and non-nutrient, its functions and its metabolism
b) To know and apply the nutrient and energy recommendations reference
c) To know the nutritional characteristics of different dietary patterns and their impact on the health of individuals
d) To know and understand the energy and nutrients needs at different stages of the life cycle
e) Understand the situations of deficiency or excess of various nutrients
The role of the nutritionist as the health professional that should be used to plan nutritional intake
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Cláudia Marques
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
Insel, P., Ross, D., McMahon K. & Bernstein M. (2016). Nutrition (6th edition). Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Mahan, L. K. & Raymond, J. L. (2016). Krause's Food & the Nutrition Care Process (14th ed.). St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier.
Martins, I., Porto, A. & Oliveira, L. (2007). Tabela de composição de alimentos. Lisboa: Centro de Segurança Alimentar e Nutrição, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge.
Goios, A., Oliveira, A.C., Afonso, C., Amaral, T. & Martins, M.L (2016). Pesos e Porções de Alimentos (2ª edição). Porto: U. Porto Edições.
Sizer, F., Whitney, E; Nutrition, Concepts and Controversies. 12 th. ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning; 2008.
Gropper S.S., Smith J.L., Groff J.L. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. 5 th. ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2009.
Teaching method
The course is organized in lectures and practical classes: 1 weekly lecture for all students with a duration of 50 min each; 1 practical class per week of 3 hrs, in classes with a maximum of 20 students.
Evaluation method
The evaluation has a practical component and a final exam. The assessment of the practicals is continuous, corresponds to 30% of the final grade, and takes into account the following criteria: performance and attendance of students; quality of a research project and oral presentation; solving exercises or performing work; attitude and knowledge demonstrated by the student. The final exam is 70% of the final grade, and is covers all the theoretical and practical topics taught. The presence in the examination is conditional to attendance to at least 2/3 of the practical classes and a practical grade of at least 10 values.
Subject matter
1. General concepts. Functions of macro and micronutrients
2. Requirements and recommendations
3. Energy and nutrients
3.1 Energy
3.2 Labeling
3.3 Carbohydrates
3.4 Protein
3.5 Fats
3.6 Minerals
3.7 Vitamins
3.8 Water and alchool
4. Recommended intakes of nutrients for pregnant women, breastfeeding, teenagers, the elderly, athletes. Practical considerations inherent to the recommended intakes.