Food Technology


The aim of this unit is to give students in-depth knowledge and skills in of food processing, allowing the future nutritionist to understand the consequences of the application of different technologies on food characteristics. Thus, it is intended to encourage critical thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of processing technologies, in order to archive a better application in food preservation, promoting the sensory and nutritional characteristics of foods. At the end of this unit the student will be able to:
- Understand the fundamental concepts of food processing technology and its importance to ensure food safety.
- Correlate knowledge of microbiology and food chemistry with food processing.
- Understand the effect of different processing methods on the sensory and nutritional properties of foods.
- Apply knowledge of food technology to develop new products

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor André Rosário


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not applicable


• Peter J. Fellows. Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice. Fourth Edition. Woodhead Publishing. 2016. ISBN: 9780081019078.
• Geoffrey Campbell-Platt. Food Science and Technology. Second Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. 2017. ISBN 9780470673423.

Teaching method

The unit is organised in lectures and practical classes: 1) 2-hour lecture once a week; and 2) 2-hour practical, with a maximum of 15 students, once a week.

Evaluation method

The final evaluation has a practical component and a final examination, both expressed on a 0-20 scale. The practical continuous assessment, corresponds to 40% of the final grade, and takes into account the following criteria: a) student performance and attendance (10%); b) quality of the practical reports (15%); and c) one oral presentation (15%). The final examination consists of a written exam and will contribute 60% to the final score. The students must attend at least 2/3 of the practical classes and obtained a minimum grade of 9.5 in the practical component in order to qualify for the final examination. A minimum grade of 9.5 in the written exam is mandatory for approval.

Subject matter

Introduction to food technology: properties of foods and principles of processing.
Unit operations in food processing: raw material preparation; extraction and separation of food components; size reduction; mixing, forming and coating.
Unit operations in food preservation: chemical and microbiological methods; control of water, structure and atmosphere; application and removal of heat and energy.
Introduction to the fermentation process: general concepts and principles, microorganisms used, process steps and application in the food industry.
Technologies used in collective catering: cook-chill, cook-freeze, sous vide and steamplicity.
Technologies and materials used in the packaging, transport, processing and preservation of food products: legislation and risk assessment.
Bioactive ingredients used in the development of functional foods: characteristics, physiological effects and applications.
Development of new products and improvement of traditional products.
Effect of processing methods on sensory and nutritional properties of foods.
New technologies for food processing.


Programs where the course is taught: