Nutritional Policy
1. Promoting in students' knowledge and understanding of the access and sustainability challenges faced by health systems - nationally and internationally.
2. Promoting in students' knowledge and understanding of the organization chart of the Ministry of Health and the National Health Service in Portugal.
3. Development of a critical spirit about the current functioning of the central, regional and peripheral institutions of the Portuguese Health System.
4. Promoting in students' knowledge and understanding of the methodology for drafting a policy, as well as the legislative process.
5. Develop in students the skills of critical analysis, assessment, establishment and restructuring of intersectoral bridges, in sectoral policies in matters of health and food and nutrition.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Professora Doutora Conceição Calhau
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
Nunes, A.M. (2020). Administração e políticas de saúde em Portugal. Edições ISCSP.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Nunes, A.M., Miraldo, M., Bento, A., Breda, J., & Araújo, F.F. (2018). Using Pricing Policies to Promote Public Health: The Sugar Sweetened Beverages Taxation Experience in Portugal. Acta Med Port, 31(4), 191-195. doi: 10.20344/amp.10222.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Cruz-e-Silva, D., Gregório, M.J., Nunes, A.M., Graça, P., Bento, A., & Araújo, F. (2018). Bringing government sectors together to address noncommunicable diseases: Portugal's interministerial healthy eating strategy. Public health panorama, 4(3), 426 - 434.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Gregório, M.J., Cruz-e-Silva, D. (2018). Portuguese Sugar Sweetened Beverages Taxation Impact Assessment Report. Available at:
Graça, P., Gregório, M.J., Mendes de Sousa, S., Brás, S., & Araújo, F. (2018). A new interministerial strategy for the promotion of healthy eating in Portugal: implementation and initial results. Health Research Policy and Systems, 16 (102), 1-16. doi: 0.1186/s12961-018-0380-3.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Cruz-E-Silva, D., Miraldo, M., Calhau, C., Bento, A., Cruz, D., Almeida, F., Darzi, A., & Araújo, F. (2019). Front-of-pack labelling policies and the need for guidance. Lancet Public Health, 4(1), e15. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(18)30256-1.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Cruz-E-Silva, D., Gregório, M.J., Miraldo, M., Darzi, A., & Araújo, F. (2018). The future of the sweetened beverages tax in Portugal. Lancet Public Health, 3(12), e562. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(18)30240-8.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Cruz-E-Silva, D., Gregório, M.J., Nunes, A.M., Calhau, C., Hercberg, S., Rito, A., Bento, A., Cruz, D., Almeida, F., Darzi, A., & Araújo, F. (2019). Nutri-Score: A Public Health Tool to Improve Eating Habits in Portugal. Acta Med Port, 32(3), 175-178. doi: 10.20344/amp.11627.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Cruz-E-Silva, D., Carriço, M., Teixeira, N.R., Darzi, A., & Araújo, F. (2019). Changing the channel: television health campaigns in Portugal. Lancet Public Health, 4(4):e179. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(19)30039-8.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Cruz-E-Silva, D., Allen, L., Gregório, M.J., Severo, M., Nogueira, P.J., Nunes, A.M., Graça, P., Lopes, C., Miraldo, M., Breda, J., Wickramasinghe, K., Darzi, A., Araújo, F., & Mikkelsen, B. (2019). Bullettin World Health Organ, 97(7):450-459. doi: 10.2471/BLT.18.220566.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Cruz-e-Silva, D., Nunes, A.M., Carriço, M., & Araújo, F. (2019). Disrupting the landscape: how the Portuguese National Health Service built an omnichannel communication platform. WHO Public Health Panorama, 5(2-3), 324-325.
Goiana-da-Silva, F., Cruz-e-Silva, D., Allen, L., Nunes, A.M., Calhaum, C., Rito, A., Bento, A., Mirando, M., & Darzi, A. (2019). Portugals voluntary food reformulation agreement and the WHO reformulation targets. Journal of Global Health, 9(2). doi: 10.7189/jogh.09.020315.
Allen, L., Nicholson, B., Yeung, B., Goiana-da-Silva, F. (2019). Implementation of non-communicable disease policies: a geopolitical analysis of 151 countries. The Lancet Global Health (accepted for publication).
Bento, A. (2016). Políticas para as doenças crónicas não transmissíveis em Portugal: uma retrospetiva desde a criação do Serviço Nacional de Saúde. Contributos para uma política nutricional em Portugal.
Ribeiro, I., Graça, P., Santos, J., Carmo, I., (2012). O futuro da alimentação, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2012. ISBN: 978-972-31-1486-7
Teaching method
The lectures will have an expository component and will also involve a dynamic dialogue with the students. There will be space for the participation of external speakers/experts regarding each of the syllabus contents.
Evaluation method
Assessment at the final exam period - Oral Exam, corresponding to 100% of the grade.
* Minimum value of the test - 9.5
Subject matter
1. Past, present and future challenges of health systems.
2. The Portuguese Health System: organizational chart and challenges.
3. Central Structures of the Portuguese Health System: dynamics and challenges.
4. Regional Structures of the Portuguese Health System: dynamics and challenges.
5. Local structures of the Portuguese health system: dynamics and challenges.
6. Legislative process in health: dynamics and challenges.
7. Basic concepts in nutritional policy. Analysis of national and international nutritional policies