This unit is subdivided into three modules: clinical nutrition, sports nutrition and public health nutrition. In this sense, the learning objectives of this unit are subdivided into major objectives and specific objectives for each module.
As major objectives, transversal to the different modules, it is intended that at the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Apply the scientific method in professional practice, namely through the application of nutrition based on scientific evidence;
- Recognize the importance of ethical conduct in professional relationships with users/patients and with other health professionals;
- Develop effective and positive communication skills, capable of generating sustainable trusting relationships;
- Promotion of adaptability to different contexts, being able to promote a discussion;
- Autonomy and critical spirit;
Specific objectives:
In the Basic Life Support module, a more comprehensive teaching area called Emerging/Critical Patient is integrated, which is an intervention area across several disciplines and is characterized by the ability to deal with patients at risk of life, especially in training health professionals.
In this module, students will be able to identify and assess a collapsing victim, namely, assess is reactivity, clear the airway and verify the existence of effective breathing. Students, at the end of the module, should be able to perform external cardiac massage (chest compressions), and know the advanced steps of the survival chair defibrillation and post-resuscitation care.
In the clinical nutrition module, student will attend the tutor in clinical practice in health care units, in an inpatient and outpatient setting. By the end of this module, students will be able to: 1) establish a nutritional diagnosis; 2) implement a nutritional intervention on an outpatient, inpatient or home support basis; and 3) monitor the evolution of nutritional status and adherence to prescribed nutritional therapy.
In the public health research module, students will participate in research activities within the nutrition clinical study. At the end of this module, the students should be able to: 1) plan, implement, communicate, manage, monitor and evaluate community intervention programs in public health, namely in the area of nutrition and lifestyles; 2) understand the different methods and techniques of diagnosis and nutritional intervention; 3) monitor populations or population groups in the context of nutrition; and 4) develop food and nutrition policies.
In the sports nutrition module, students will attend the tutor in clinical nutritional practice in the context of sports nutrition. At the end of this module, students should be able to formulate and evaluate nutritional plans adjusted to the needs of athletes.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Professora Doutora Conceição Calhau
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
Hulley, S. B., Cummings, S. R., Browner, W. S., Grady, D. G., Newman, T. B. (2013). Designing clinical research (4th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. ISBN 9781608318049.
Lovegrove, J. A., Hodson, L., Sharma, S., Lanham-New, S. A. (2015). Nutrition Research Methodologies. Wiley-Blackewell. ISBN 9781118554678.
Alexandre Pereira, Carlos Poupa (2018). Como Escrever uma Tese, Monografia ou Livro Científico Usando o Word (7ª Edição). Sílabo. ISBN 978-972-618-946-6.
Teaching method
Traineeships have total workload of 840h and are organized in the form of three modules: clinical nutrition, sports nutrition and public health nutrition. Students must meet the weekly schedule that provides 25h at the institution and 7h for reporting and other academic activities at NOVA Medical School.
Evaluation method
The evaluation will be according to the evaluation grid, by the supervisors and teachers of the stage Commission and an external lecturer, in a public presentation, where students present individually their research work.
Fulfilment of required activities and workload will also be considered in the evaluation.
Subject matter
The traineeship is essentially practical and developed in the areas currently predominant in the nutritionist's performance: Clinical nutrition - nutritional diagnosis, nutrition in primary care, nutritional care, individual education and communications for health and nutrition; Nutrition in public health - education and communication for health and nutrition; Sports nutrition - nutritional needs of athletes. The students, under the supervision of NMS professors, will trainee activities inherent to the exercise of the future profession, according to each area and complying with the clinical trial protocol (intervention or observational study).