Regenerative Medicine Strategies
Models for research in regenerative medicine.
Fundamentals of Regenerative Medicine. Historical perspective.
Regeneration mechanisms. Homeostasis and tissue repair in adult mammals.
Principles and mechanisms of stem cell biology. Inducing cellular reprogramming for generating stem cells. Sources of stem cells. Ethical issues.
Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine.
Data presentation in a poster and chalk talk format.
Mechanisms of ocular degeneration, and therapeutic and regenerative strategies.
Mechanisms and Regeneration strategies in the central and peripheral nervous system.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof. Doutor César Mendes
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Principles of Regenerative Medicine - 3rd Edition - Elsevier
Foundations of Regenerative Medicine: Clinical and Therapeutic Applications, 1st Edition
Bibliography will additionally be provided by the speakers.
Teaching method
The theoretical classes will serve to present the basic concepts of the scientific area underlying the field that is subject of this curricular unit. The theoretical-practical classes will mostly encompass presentation and discussion of papers and project presentation.
Evaluation method
The final grade will consider the class attendance and participation (30%); the quality of presentation/discussion of scientific papers (40%); and presentation of research projects (15%+15%), orally and written.
Subject matter
The theoretical classes will serve to present the basic concepts of the scientific area underlying the field that is subject of this curricular unit. The theoretical-practical classes will mostly encompass presentation and discussion of papers and project presentation.