Digital Society


Organized around problem questions and case studies, as a way to introduce students to a diverse range of debates and contemporary concepts, and to their interdisciplinary intersections, such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Transhumanism, Singularity, Eco-innovation , among others, the curricular unit Digital Society aims to:

OBJ1: Provide students with interdisciplinary knowledge about the history and transversal impact of digitalization in the social, cultural, political and economic spheres;

OBJ2: Promote a critical analysis of the main concepts, phenomena and debates emerging in contemporary societies around interdisciplinary case studies, introducing them to the practice of scientific research on frontier themes.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Araújo Barros Viseu


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





  • Kovarik, B. (2016). Revolutions in communication: Media history from Gutenberg to the digital age (2.ª Edição). Bloomsbury.
  • Jasanoff, S. & Kim, SH (2015). Future imperfect: Science, technology, and the imagination of modernity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Cheney-Lippold, J. (2017). We are Data: Algorithms and the Making of Our Digital Selves. New York. New York University Press.
  • Forsythe, D. (2001). Studying those who study us: An anthropologist in the world of artificial intelligence. Stanford. Stanford University Press.
  • Lindtner, S. (2020) Prototype Nation: China and the contested promise of innovation. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Materiais para leitura adicional, incluindo artigos científicos e relatórios de organizações nacionais e internacionais, são fornecidos durante as aulas.

Teaching method

The curricular unit has a theoretical-practical nature, organized around thematic seminars. The presentation of the main phenomena, concepts, theories and practices are exposed and discussed in subgroups and in plenary; the analytical appropriation of concepts, theories and practices is carried out actively, using dynamics of direct participation by students. The application of knowledge is oriented towards the analysis of case studies.

Evaluation method

Theoretical-practical evaluati - Presentation in class (individual)(20%), Production of an essay based on literature review(60%), Research exercise (in subgroups)(20%)

Subject matter

Module 1: Science, Technology and Sociotechnical Imaginaries

Module 2: From the origins of the Internet to the digital divide

Module 3: Platformization of the World Wide Web, "Big Data" and Datification of Social Life

Module 4: Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Singularity

Module 5: Internet of Things and "Smart" Cities: Surveillance and Privacy

Module 6: Virtual Reality and Hybrid Media

Module 7: Digital Fabrication and "Maker Culture"

Module 8: "Blockchain" and cryptocurrencies

Module 9: Transhumanism, biofabrication and genetic editing

Module 10: Eco-innovation and sustainability