

1- Knowing the specificities of reporting, distinguishing it from other journalistic genres;
2- Grasping the method of constructing a news report;
3- Learning how to observe reality through the lens of journalism;
4- Building the structure of a reportage starting from detail and the observation of reality;
5- Understanding how reportage is materialized in different journalistic platforms.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Manuel Rouxinol Samina Coelho


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language






Abecasis, T. (2021) Quando as linguagens se fundem na reportagem multimédia, in Coelho, P., Reis, A.I., Bonixe, L. (org.) (2021) Manual de Reportagem REC, Covilhã, Labcom;

Barata-Feyo, J.M. (2006) (org). Grande Reportagem. Dafundo: Oficina do Livro.

Coelho, P., Reis, A.I., Bonixe, L. (org.) (2021) Manual de Reportagem REC, Covilhã, Labcom; (2021); 

Coelho, P (2021) A Imagem: elemento âncora da reportagem, in Coelho, P., Reis, A.I., Bonixe, L. (org.) (2021) Manual de Reportagem REC, Covilhã, Labcom;

Carey, J. (ed.) (1987) The Faber Book of Reportage, London-Boston, Faber and Faber;

Gellhorn, M. (2007). A Face da Guerra. Lisboa: D. Quixote.

Godinho, J. (2021) Genealogia da reportagem, in Coelho, P., Reis, A.I., Bonixe, L. (org.) (2021) Manual de Reportagem REC, Covilhã, Labcom;

Granado, A. (2021) O texto: elemento âncora da reportagem, in Coelho, P., Reis, A.I., Bonixe, L. (org.) (2021) Manual de Reportagem REC, Covilhã, Labcom;

Jack, I. (org.) (2006). The Granta Book of Reportage. London: Granta Books.

Kapuscinski, Ryszard (2002) Los cínicos no sierven para este oficio – Sobre el buen periodismo, Barcelona, Anagrama;

Kapuscinski, Ryszard (2004) El mundo de hoy – Autorretrato de um reportero, Barcelona, Anagrama;

Oliveira, M et al (2021) O som: elemento âncora da reportagem, in Coelho, P., Reis, A.I., Bonixe, L. (org.) (2021) Manual de Reportagem REC, Covilhã, Labcom;

Pinto, C., Arújo, D. (2023), Ucrânia Insubmissa, Alfragide, D. Quixote.

Soares, I. (2021) A reportagem e o jornalismo literário, in Coelho, P., Reis, A.I., Bonixe, L. (org.) (2021) Manual de Reportagem REC, Covilhã, Labcom;

Remnick, David (org) (2007) Reporting, writings from the New Yorker. London: Picador.

Zelizer, B. (2017). What Journalism Could Be. Cambridge: Polity Press. 



Teaching method


1- The first eight sessions will be expository. Various materials (bibliography, written, visual, audio and multimedia reports, but also interviews and profiles of various reporters) will be used to present the conceptual framework that structures the course and to promote the debate in the classroom;

2- Six sessions will be dedicated to characterize the profile of outstanding reporters, based on the analysis of various reports published/issued on different platforms and the work published by the selected reporters;

3- Eight sessions will be dedicated to the presentation and discussion of students' assignments. Working in groups of 3, students will complete two assignments, which will be handed in on a day to be determined and presented in class;

4- Two classes and several informal sessions (out of class) will be dedicated to clarify any doubts about the final assignment.

Evaluation method


1-    Group work (groups of three students) - presentation in class (25%) + written version (25%) - Identification of the specific nature of the reportage genre, based on the bibliographical references that structure the conceptual framework of the CU and the analysis of the profile of a contemporary reporter, using the available materials - reports and publications by the selected reporter and an interview with the selected reporter - that may allow this profile to be built. (The interview with the selected reporter is not optional and must be presented as an appendix in the written version). 

2-    Group work (groups of three students) - presentation in class (25%) + written version (25%) - Presentation of a reportage plan in which the student must apply all the knowledge acquired during the semester. The plan will be structured based on all the phases that precede the writing of the report. It should therefore identify the idea and justify its relevance; present the angle of approach and the reasons for choosing it; report on the different stages of research carried out until the angle is chosen; present the information gathered and all the sources (testimonial and documentary) contacted and consulted.


Note 1: Oral presentation of assignment 1 should take 15 minutes and oral presentation of assignment 2 should take no more than 10 minutes. The written version of each assignment will be a maximum of seven pages (12-point font and 1.5 spaces), including bibliography and excluding any annexes.  

Note 2: The final grade will be the result of the assessment of the two assignments, but the student’s participation may determine the increase in the final average. Students who attend less than 75% of classes will be penalized by at least one mark. 

Note 3: The teacher will take roll call, recording attendance and absences, at the beginning of each class.

Subject matter


1- To understand the specificities of reportage, differentiating it from other journalistic genres and highlighting the challenges that make it so relevant;

2- To alert students about the current disinvestment in reportage, discussing the reasons for such shortfall in journalistic platforms, but also the solutions that could emerge in order to reverse this trend;

3- To understand how a reportage is produced, underlining the crucial role of journalistic active observation of reality; 

4- Understand how this journalistic genre, reportage, can be achieved on different journalistic platforms;

5- To produce a reportage plan based on the knowledge acquired during the semester.



1- The origins of reportage;

2- The common ground between reportage and literary journalism;

3- The method of building a reportage: the importance of active observation and accuracy while gathering information, the journalist's involvement (immersion) with the object, information’s selection, editing and writing;

4- Reportage and the specificities of the different journalistic platforms;

5- The reporter’s profile as characterized from the analysis of reports by outstanding reporters: the cases of Ryzzard Kapuscinski and Martha Gelhorn;

6- Analysis of reportages by outstanding contemporary reporters, who work in different platforms;

7- The construction of the reportage in the field, applying the knowledge acquired throughout the semester.