Cultural Economy and Creative Industries
This UC is divided into two modules. At the end of the module "Industry of Culture and Creative Economy", the student is expected to:
1) situate the concepts of culture, cultural industries and creative economy in contemporary society;
2) understand the ambivalence between the critical value of the concept and its adoption by institutional discourses
3) understand the tensions and crossings between culture, art and industrialization
4) recognize the active role of cultural reception.
At the end of the "Creative Industries and Digital Media" module, the student is expected to:
1) understand and critically analyze the interconnection between the concepts of innovation, creativity, creative industries and digital media;
2) know the specificities of the creative industries sectors and their economic, social and symbolic contribution;
3) turn a concept into a creative project, anchored on digital platforms.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Teresa Pimentel Peito Cruz Bragança de Miranda
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Module 1 - Culture Industry and Creative Economy
Benjamin, Walter (1936) «A obra de arte na era da sua possibilidade de reprodução técnica», in: A Modernidade. Obras Escolhidas, Vol3., Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2006. (ed. ingl.: «The work of art in the age mechanical reproduction», in: Illuminations, edited by Hannah Arendt, New York: Schocken Books, 1969)
Beuys, Joseph (1973) "Every Man is An Artist
Crary, Johnathan (2018/2014) 24/7: O Capitalismo Tardio e os Fins do Sono, Antígona (ed. Ingl: 24/7: Late Capitalism and The Ends of Sleep, Verso Books)
Crary, Johnathan (2022) Scorched Earth: Beyond the Digital Age to a Post-Capitalist World, Verso Books.
Greenberg, Clement (193 ) "Avan-Garde and Kitsch" in: Art and Culture. Critical Essays, Boston: Beacon Press, 3-21.
Groys, Boris (2010) "Weak Universalism", E-Flux, #5
HAYLES, Katherine, Unthought: The Power of The Cognitive Non-conscious, The University of Chicago Press, 2017.
Horkheimer, M. & Adorno, Th. (1947/2007) "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" in: Dialectic of Enlightenment, Stanford University Press, 2007, 94-136
Jameson, Frederic (1991) Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism,
Jenkins, H., Ito, M e Boyd, d. (2015) Participatory Culture in a Networked Era: A Conversation on Youth, Learning, Commerce, and Politics. Nova Iorque: Wiley
Manovich, Lev (2017) «Automating Aesthetics: Artificial Intelligence and Image Culture» in: Flash Art International no. 316, September–October.
Stiegler, Bernard (/2001) La Technique et le Temps. Vol 3. Le Temps du Cinéma et la Question du Mal-être, Paris: Galilée. Ed Ingl: Technics and Time, 3: Cinematic Time and the Question of Malaise, Stanford University Press.
Stiegler, Bernard (2013) De La Misère Symbolique. vol. 1 - L' Époque Hiperindustrielle, Paris: Flammarion (edição inglesa: Symbolic Misery. Vol. 1 - The Hyperindustrial Epoch, Wiley.
Valéry, P. (1928) «A conquista da Ubiquidade», Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, Nr. 34-35 – «Espaços» (ed. ingl: «The conquest of Ubiquity» in: Aesthetics. Pantheon Books, 1964, 225-228)
Teaching method
Module 1
- Exposure and framing of central themes and debates at the intersection between culture, creativity and industry
- Presentation of critical concepts and authors
- Discussion of texts and debate of ideas with the participation of students
Evaluation method
Module 1
Continuous assessment, in person, at the end of each topic: Written exercise or oral participation in a text discussion
Final grade: arithmetic average of classifications
Subject matter
Module 1 - Culture Industry and Creative Economy
Theme 1
- Cultural Economy: symbolic production and value
-"Cultural Industry" and Critical Theory
Theme 2
- Creative Economy: Creativity & Capital
- Entertainment and Artistic Culture
Theme 3
- Reception and Networks: Spectators and Prosumers
- Attention Economy and Contribution Economy
Theme 4
- Knowledge Economy: AI & Automation
- Cognitive Industries
Programs where the course is taught: