Interactive Narrative Laboratory
- Promote the understanding of the main theoretical and conceptual elements in the definition of interactive narrative, recognizing its historical trajectory and its plural interdisciplinary appropriations;
- Promote the understanding and analytical appropriation about the expressive and communicative potentialities made possible by the language of digital media;
- Promote the understanding and analysis of contemporary scientific knowledge in the sphere of user experience and human-centered design in the specific context of interactive narrative;
- Operationalize interaction design strategies applied to na original digital project to be developed in subgroups;
- Promote the acquisition of technological knowledge related to the digital interactive creation process;
- Promote the conception and operationalization of an interactive narrative project, based on the appropriation of digital creation platforms and tools.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Marisa Rodrigues Pinto Torres da Silva
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
- Koenitz, H., Ferri, G., Haahr, M., Sezen, D. & Sezen, T. (Eds.) (2015). Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice. New York and London: Routledge.
- Miller, C. (2019). Digital Storytelling: A creator's guide to interactive entertainment. London and New York. CRC Press.
- Manovich, L. (2001). The Language of New Media. Massachusetts: MIT press.
- Harriga, P. & Wardrip-Fruin, N. (coord.), (2004). First Person New Media as Story, Performance, and Game. Massachusetts: MIT press.
- Salen, K. & Zimmerman, Eric (coord.), (2006). The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology. Massachusetts: MIT press.
- Salen, K. & Zimmerman, Eric (2004). Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. Massachusetts: MIT press.
Teaching method
The curricular unit is organized in two components: (1) theoretical-practical, predominantly expository, presenting concepts and theories and discussing its implications in subgroups and in plenary; the analytical appropriation of concepts, theories and practices is carried out actively, using dynamics of direct participation by students; (2) laboratorial, predominantly oriented to the application of technological knowledge and its foundations, favoring the agile creation of prototypes of low and high fidelity. Theoretical-practical evaluation - includes two elements of evaluation (individual - frequency (20% of the final classification); in subgroups - research and analysis exercises (20% of the final classification); Laboratory evaluation - includes two evaluation elements (individual and in subgroups - creation and prototyping exercises (20% of the final classification), in subgroups - final prototype (40% of the final classification).
Evaluation method
Continuous Assessment - Laboratory evaluation: Creation and prototyping exercises individual and in subgroups (20%); Final prototype in subgroups (40%) (60%), Theoretical-practical evaluation:Individual frequency (20%); Research and analysis exercises in subgroups (20%)(40%)
Subject matter
Module 1 - Fundamental definitions: from narratology to ludology in case studies. From the concept of "narrative" to "interaction" to "interactive narrative": Immersion, Presence, and Flow.
Module 2 - The language of digital media: paths and milestones of interactive narrative in case studies (virtual reality, augmented reality, interative digital games, interactive film).
Module 3 - Interdisciplinary scientific knowledge and interactive narrative: From Psychology to Cognitive Sciences.
Module 4 - Digital Creation Laboratory: Introduction to the fundamentals of multimedia. Introduction to online tools and platforms for non-linear/interactive digital production: script, flowchart, interface.
Programs where the course is taught: