Communication and Social Sciences


1) To know and to articulate theories and concepts of classic and contemporary social science authors;
2) To be aware of the social and cultural diversity as well as the multiple analytical;
3) To read and to problematize contemporary social and communicational phenomena sustained by social knowledge;
4) To distinguish methodological approaches from social research, focusing on qualitative and ethnographic methodologies;
5) To make a correct use of social science language, precepts and research tools.
6) To conduct, analyze and communicate research results in a reflective and critical way, mobilizing debate.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Daniel dos Santos Cardoso


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





- Barbosa Neves, Bárbara Barbosa e Rente, Rita (2017). Não alinhados? Jovens não utilizadores de sites de redes sociais: uma abordagem weberiana Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, N. 85 [acesso aberto
- Bourdieu, Pierre (1998). O que falar quer dizer: a economia das trocas simbólicas. Miraflores: Difel
- Braga da Cruz, Manuel (1989). Teorias sociais: os fundadores e os clássicos. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gul
- Estanque, Elísio (2017). Onde pára a classe média? Breves notas sobre o conceito e a realidade portuguesa Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, n. 83 (acesso aberto)
- Giddens, Anthony (1997). Sociologia. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
- Santos Silva, Augusto (1988). Entre a razão e o sentido: Durkheim, Weber e a Teoria das Ciências Sociais. Porto, Afrontamento
- Soares, Isabel (2018). At the intersection of risk: when literary journalism and sociology study urban problems by means of akin methodologies. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, nº 84. (Acesso aberto)

Teaching method

1) thematic introductions associated with guidelines allowing students to read and use various resources (namely researching authors, academic articles, audiovisual documents); 2) students' supervised research; 3) spaces for students' discussion and participation.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - final work on the individual research carried out(40%), participation in the classroom, including group work and oral communication(10%), written frequency(50%)

Subject matter

1. Introduction to the course - Historical background and conceptual field
2. Classical authors and perspectives
2.1 - Precursors
2.2 - Émile Durkheim and the structural-functionalism
2.3 - Karl Marx and the conflict theories
2.4 - Max Weber and the interactionist perspective of social action
2.5 - Further contributions
3. The research process
3.1 - Quantitative research methods
3.2 - Qualitative research methods
3.3 - Research launch: life stories of two generations
4. Thematics
4.1 - Social interaction and daily life.
4.2 - Social inequalities
4.3 - Modern life and globalization
4.4 - Territories, identities and cultures
5. Articulation of themes with research carried out
6. Final synthesis of the course