History of the Media


a) Understanding the relevance of the historical approach to the study of the media
b) Know the genesis and evolution of media
c) Include the study of any media in portuguese and european political, economic and social contexto
d Analyze the impact of each medium in their respective time, both in Portugal and in Europe
e) Report the rapid evolution of the media in the last thirty years

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carla Maria dos Santos Filipe Batista, Pedro Miguel Marques Gomes


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





JEANNENEY, Jean-Noël (1996). Uma História da Comunicação Social, Lisboa: Terramar.
CABRERA, Ana (Ed) (2011). Jornais Jornalistas e Jornalismo. Século XIX-XX. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
CABRERA, Ana (2006). Marcello Caetano: Poder e Imprensa. Lisboa Livros Horizonte.
CÁDIMA, Francisco Rui (2009) Crise e Crítica do Sistema de Media, Lisboa: Formalpress/Media XXI.
MCLUHAN, Marshall, (1977) A Galaxia de Gutemberg: a formação do Homem tipógrafo, 2ª ed. S. Paulo: Companhia editora Nacional

Teaching method

The focus a mixed method: exposition and problematization of subjects, use of visual support (pictures, images, text); enhancement of the participation of students in regard to texts or books previously announced.

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - The formal evaluation is focused on two exams.(50%), The formal evaluation is focused on two exams.(50%)

Subject matter

1. Presentation of the Chair

Program; Bibliography;


Evaluation / Timeline

2. The Concept of Media

3.1. The History and its object of study

3.2. The New History

3.3. The History of Media and Journalism, methodologies and sources

4. The book

5. The press from the beginnings to the early twentieth century

6. The movie and the culture of image

7. The radio

8. The television

The New Media

9. The "post-television"