Interaction Design 


The course aims to deepen and structure the students' knowledge regarding the the interaction design of interactive systems involving Digital Media, considering the user experience:
- Technological paradigms and interaction styles.
- Interaction design principles.
- Usability principles.
- Prototyping techniques.
- Interface evaluation methods.
- Analysis and specification of user requirements.
- Design, prototyping and evaluation of interfaces for interactive systems (Iterative Design).
- Creation of innovative solutions to address interaction problems.     

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo Nuno Gouveia Vicente


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





• Buxton, Bill, Sketching User Experiences, Morgan Kaufmann, 2007. Bill Buxton website.
•. Norman, Donald. The Design of Everyday Things. MIT Press, 2013.
•. Nielsen, Jacob. Usability Engineering, Academic Press, 1993.
•. Shneiderman, Ben. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction. Pearson, 2009.
• Moggridge, Bill. Designing Interactions. MIT Press, Massachusetts, 2007.
• Tufte, Edward. Envisioning Information, Cheshire, Connecticut Graphic Press, 2003.
• Introdução ao Design de Interfaces: Manuel J. Fonseca, Pedro Campos, Daniel Gonçalves 2012 (Out.) FCA
• Slides das aulas.
Materiais para leitura adicional, incluindo artigos científicos, são fornecidos durante as aulas.

Teaching method

The classes include the presentation of the theoretical concepts, illustrated by application examples, followed by its practical application by the students in the development of multimedia projects. The course evaluation comprises the development of a media related project (topics are discussed in class and usually relate to students' research work). The project includes an initial specification (25%), a sketch (25%), a prototype (25%) and the corresponding user evaluation (25%). The methods for sketching, prototyping and evaluation are discussed in class. The work is mostly centered on the interaction design and user experience. The work done is presented in a session with all students.

Evaluation method

Continuous Assessment - Development of a media related project. The project includes an initial specification (25%), a sketch (25%), a prototype (25%) and the corresponding user evaluation (25%).(100%)

Subject matter

1. Introduction to Interaction and User Experience Design
2. Usability and User Experience (UX)
3. Human Factors
4. Interactive Systems Design Principles
5. User-Centered Design and Iterative Design Process
6. Understanding the Users and Their Needs
7. Sketching and Prototyping
8. Visual Design principles
9. Evaluation Methods
10. Interaction Styles and Paradigms
1. Future perspectives
12. Interaction design and UX project development