Digital Journalistic Creation    


At the end of the course, students are expected to have developed knowledge, skills and competences to:
1) understand the challenges of digital journalism and the demands it brings to the journalist;
2) write journalistic articles suitable for the digital environment;
3) identify the potential of each format to enrich a digital narrative;
4) develop journalistic formats appropriate for the digital environment;
5) manage the social networks of a news media;
6) develop editorial concepts for mobile devices;
7) conceptualize and develop a narrative or digital journalistic project.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Marisa Rodrigues Pinto Torres da Silva


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





  • Bradshaw, P. (2017). The online journalism handbook. Routledge.
  • Carroll, B. (2019). Writing and Editing for Digital Journalism. Routlege
  • Cox, J. (2020). Feature Writing and Reporting. SAGE.
  • Filak, V. (2019). Convergent Journalism: An introduction. Routledge.
  • Itule, B.; Anderson, D. (2007) News Writing & Reporting. McGraw-Hill.

Teaching method

The teaching method favours the expository component, with examples, and laboratory.

Evaluation method

Continuous Assessment - Development of a multimedia narrative (40%), Development of a news story suitable for a digital environment (30%), Laboratory work (30%)

Subject matter

1. Digital journalism - routines, practices, challenges and constraints
1.1. The need for innovation in the editorial model
1.2. Digital competencies: from new sources to new ethics
1.3. Emerging narrative models: emotional, collaborative, proximity and immersive
2. Digital journalistic creation - journalistic genres and formats
2.1. Specificities of writing and editing in a digital context
2.2. Visual, sound and multimedia formats
2.3. Techniques and practice of emerging journalistic formats: from live coverage to long formats
2.4. Editorial techniques for social networks
2.5. Editorial techniques for mobile devices
3. Conceptualization, architecture and development of multimedia journalistic narratives and projects