Journalism Studies


a) to understand the role and relevance of journalism in democratic societies;
b) to perceive the emergence of modern journalism and, in parallel, to capture the structural dynamics of transformation that affect basic principles of journalism;
c) to gain awareness of the constraints that affect journalistic activity, taking into account either structural or timely/cyclical aspects, examining, more specifically, the Portuguese context;
d) to confront the normative dimension of the journalistic ethos (with principles and values that guide interpretative readings on social reality and its actors) with already recurring discussion vectors (both within the profession itself and at the level of its academic reflection) and others emerging in the face of a changing media ecology;
e) to examine critical concepts, currents of thought and methodologies in research on journalism and capture their most recent points of questioning.     

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Marisa Rodrigues Pinto Torres da Silva


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





  • Allan, S. (ed.) (2010). Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Matos, J. N.; Baptista, C.; Subtil, F. (org.) (2021). Os Três D dos Media: Desigualdade, Desprofissionalização e Desinformação. Lisboa: Deriva Editores e Outro Modo.
  • Matos, J. N.; Baptista, C.; Subtil, F. (org.) (2017). A crise do jornalismo em Portugal. Lisboa: Deriva Editores e Outro Modo.
  • Traquina, N. (2002). O que é Jornalismo. Lisboa: Quimera.
  • Vos, T. P.; Hanusch, F. (Eds) (2019). The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies. Wiley.
  • Wahl-Jorgensen, K.; Hanitzsch, T. (Eds) (2009). The Handbook of Journalism Studies. New York & London: Routledge.
  • Wahl-Jorgensen, K.; Hanitzsch, T. (Eds) (2020). The Handbook of Journalism Studies. New York & London: Routledge.
  • Zelizer, B. (2004). Taking Journalism Seriously. Thousand Oaks, London & New Delhi: Sage.    

Teaching method

Theoretical-practical classes. Presentation of the syllabus, discussion and joint reflection around texts and fundamental books, as well as debate on specific cases of current journalism.

• Critical dissertation (50%). Taking as a starting point documents provided by the teacher, students will make a critical dissertation around the the themes that are raised there, mobilizing a reflection on the various syllabus taught, incorporating mandatory and additional readings provided throughout the semester;
• Written test (50%)

Evaluation method

Continuous Assessment - Critical dissertation (50%), Written test (50%)

Subject matter

1. Journalism and Journalism Studies: an introduction
The role and functions of journalism in contemporary societies. From "it's journalism" to "taking journalism seriously".

2. Journalism and democracy - a (brief) historical perspective.
The emergence of modern journalism and its professionalization. Recent transformations and debates around professional identity.

3. Journalism as an interpretive community - a certain way of looking at the world?
From a consensual professional ideology to a changing professional ethos.

4. News values and newsworthiness.
The concept and typologies of newsworthiness. Current challenges to news judgment.

5. Journalism studies. From "mirror of reality" to newsmaking.
From classic journalism research to their contemporary legacies in the academic study of journalism.

6. Journalism and Journalism studies in the 21st century. Continuity, disruption, uncertainty and opportunities.