Technical-Scientific Translation Practice (Spanish to Portuguese)


a) Get to know translation contexts and transmission situations for the target and source texts.
b) Get acquainted with research methods and specific resources for translation.
c) Acquire skills regarding scientific and technical translation through translation practice.
d) Be able to establish specific terminologies in different technical and scientific areas.
e) Establish criteria to think about, analyse and assess the practice of translation.
f) Work on a translation project, with critical analysis, in the study language.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Marco António Franco Neves


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


- Cabré, M. T. (1993). La Terminología. Teoría, métodos, aplicaciones. Barcelona: Antártida. 
- Fernández, Mercedes e Françoise Gaspin (1991). «Astérix en español y/o la opacidad de la traducción de un código cultural» in Donaire, Maria Luisa e Lafarga, Francisco (eds.). Traducción y adaptación cultural: España-Francia. Universidad de Oviedo: Oviedo.
- Hurtado Albir, Amparo (2001). Traducción y traductología: Introducción a la traductología. Madrid: Catedra.
- Mosterín, Jesús (2003). Conceptos y teorías en la ciencia. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. 
- Recoder, María José e Pilar Cid (2003). «Traducción y documentación: cooperar para difundir la información» in, número 1.

Teaching method

Practical and theoretical classes, using texts from various fields of Science and Technology, with a strong interactive component on the part of the students. The practical component includes oral contributions by the students.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

1.  Elementary concepts about science and technology.
2. Study and analysis of technical and scientific texts of different areas.
3. Study of specific characteristics of technical and scientific translation.
4. Analysis of research methods and useful resources for technical and scientific translation.
5. Practice doing the following tasks: translation, glossary creation and translation assessment.