Business and Commercial Translation Practice (English to Portuguese)
a) To acquire basic knowledge concerning the different activities intrinsic to entrepreneurship;
b) To grasp functional notions of enterprise management, marketing and communication which enable their application to English-speaking socio-economical contexts;
c) To develop skills in the field of business translation.
d) To master translation strategies and processes of pragmatic texts which take into account the different types of text, the communication channels as well as the issuer and receiver.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alda Maria Jesus Correia, Marco António Franco Neves
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Very good proficiency in English (level B2.2)
1. Sager, Juan C. (1990). A Practical Course in Terminology Processing. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2. Chartrand, Marcella et al. (2009). English for Contract and Company Law. 3rd edition. London: St. Jerome.
3. Moreira, Isabel (2010). Correspondência Comercial. 2ª edição Lisboa: Edições Técnicas e Profissionais.
4. Cao, Deborah (2007). Translating Law. Cleveland: Multilingual Matters.
5. Costa, J. A. Ferreira da (2008). Direito de Negócios: Dicionário Inglês/Português Direito Financeiro e Bancário, de Mercado de Capitais, de Torts e Corporate Finance). 3ª edição. Coimbra: Almedina.
6. Parkinson, Dilys (ed) (2005). Oxford Business English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
7. Soares, José Carlos (2011). Dicionário de Gestão. Lisboa: Plátano.
8. Andrade, Maria Paula Gouveia de (2008). Dicionário Jurídico (Português-Inglês; Inglês-Português). Lisboa: Quid Juris.
9. MacKenzie, Ian (2006). English for Business Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Teaching method
This unit, despite its necessary theoretical component, is mainly practical. In the introduction to each item of the syllabus, three main strategies wil be used: first, an exposition (by the teacher) both of the basic information and of the contextual meaning of the key concepts that make up the terminology of each particular area of Business English; in a second stage, a sequence of exercises destined to familiarize students with key terminology and, in a third stage, the search for equivalent terms/ expressions in Portuguese. The practical scope of the unit being predominant, the methodology adopted will focus on the students by assigning them a wide range of texts to translate, either individually or in pairs, either in class or at home. Each translation will afterwards be analysed and corrected.
Evaluation method
Método de avaliação - 2 written classroom tests(30%), Assessment will take into account students´ participation (10%), writing assignments(60%)
Subject matter
1. Types of enterprises and their integration in the economic sectors.
2. Aspects appertaining to administration, publicity and human resources management.
3. Functions of translation in business communication.
4. Translation in the context of enterprises and in culture management, including European business policy.
5. Research and creation of a database of specialized terminology.
6. Discourse analysis, practice and translation of different types of texts emanating from business discourse (circular letters, emails, informative bulletins, job acceptance letters, ...)
Programs where the course is taught: