Seminar in Heritage Management and Public Archaeology


  1. Develop the ability to understand and address the most current issues and debates within the management of cultural heritage in general and archaeological heritage in particular;
  2. Develop the ability to understand and address the most current issues and debates in the field of public archaeology;
  3. Acquire skills to know how to manage the archaeological cultural heritage at different scales of approach;
  4. Know how to develop communication strategies adapted to the heritage;
  5. Obtain communication skills for different audiences.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Carlos Muralha Cardoso


Weekly - 3

Total - 420

Teaching language





  • ATALAY, S. (2012) - Community-based archaeology: research with, by, and for indigenous and local communities. Univ of California Press;
  • GOULD, P. (2016) - On the case: Method in Public and Community Archaeology. In: Public Archaeology, Vol. 15, p. 5 – 22;
  • HARDING, A. (2007) - Communication in Archaeology. European Journal of Archaeology Vol. 10(2-3), p. 119-133;
  • HODDER, I., ALEXANDRI, A., BUCHLI, V., SHANKS, M., CARMAN, J., LAST, J., & LUCAS, G., Eds. (1995) - Interpreting archaeology: finding meaning in the past. Psychology Press;
  • HOLTORF, C. (2007) - Can You Hear Me at the Back? Archaeology, Communication and Society. European Journal of Archaeology Vol. 10(2-3), p. 149-165;
  • LOPES, F. et al. (2004) - Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico, Cartas, Recomendações e Convenções Internacionais.Livros Horizonte;
  • RICHARDSON, L. (2013) - A Digital Public Archaeology?. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 23(1): 10, pp. 1-12;
  • SMITH, L. (2006) - Uses of heritage. Routledge.

Teaching method

The teaching methodologies used in this seminar are based on the implementation of expository sessions and joint discussion of the issues addressed, either in person or via streaming. Development of collaborative learning, reflected in the participation in debates and joint activities on the issues under study. Individual research, resulting in the elaboration of essays and/or a research work correlated with the seminar and with the work and research, to be developed by the student within the framework of his thesis.

Evaluation method

Continuous Assessment - Ppresentation in class of the student's research work(50%), Written component of the student's research work(50%)

Subject matter

1. History of archaeological heritage management;
2. The territorial management instruments and the archaeological heritage:
2.1 Local scale;
2.2 Municipal scale;
2.3 Regional scale;
2.4 National scale;
2.5 International scale;
3. Public archaeology: concepts and practices;
4. Archaeology and communities: collaborative practices of research and valorisation of archaeological heritage;
5. Science communication and archaeology: methodologies for public engagement;
6. Citizen-Science, crowdsourcing, and digital storytelling: new technologies at the service of heritage and audiences.


Programs where the course is taught: