18th. Century German Literature: between Rationalism and Sentimentality


  1.  To understand and contextualize relevant texts of 18th.Century German Literature considering their historical background;
  2.  Evaluation of myths which underlie 18th-century German literature;
  3.  In-depth analysis of selected texts (lyrical poetry , drama and novel);
  4.  To develop the students competence to carry out bibliographical research.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Gabriela Castro de Vilhena Fragoso


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Good knowledge of German.


  •  BEUTIN, W. História da Literatura Alemã (vol.1). Lisboa, Cosmos, 1993.
  •  ERLACH, D. Epochenbruch 1800. Klassik und Romantik. Berlin, Cornelsen, 2005.
  •  BARRENTO, J. Literatura Alemã. Vol.I: séc.XVIII. Lisboa, Presença,1989.
  •  BECKER-CANTARINO, B. (ed,) German Literature of the Eighteenth Century. The Enlightenment and Sensibility(Histtory of German Literature, vol.5), Camden House, 2005.
  •  GAIER, U. Fausts Modernität. Essays. Stuttgart, Reclam, 2000.
  •  KOROLIOV, S. (Hrsg.) Emotion und Kognition. Transformationen in der europäischen Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts.Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013.
  •  GOETHE, J. W. Fausto (trad.João Barrento). Lisboa, Relógio d'Água. 2013.
  •  NEUMANN,J, Das Kind im Pietismus und Aufklärung. Tübingen, Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2000.

Teaching method

Presentation of the various topics by the lecturer; reading and discussion of a selection of texts covering the topicsoutlined in the syllabus;
- Tutorial supervision of the research work related to the final oral presentation chosen by the student.
- The teaching method is mainly reflexive and oriented to the contents of the CU. Students will present and discuss keytexts.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment - A mid-term test and a final test(50%), Oral presentation(50%)

Subject matter

a) Rebirth of German literature from the ashes of Thirty Years' War;
b)The diferent overlapping periods of 18th century German literature: Early Enlightenment, Rokoko, Literature ofSensibility and Storm and Stress, Late Enlightenment, Weimar Classicism, Early Romanticism;
c) French and English influence on German literature;
d) 18th. Century German Literature: Individualism, originality, sincerity, open-mindedness;
e) Universal topoi: Werther and Faust.