PhD in Art Studies - Art and Mediations
Education objectives
1. Acquisition of high level analytical skills for the critical evaluation of artistic processes of creation and circulation;
2. Acquisition of methodological and theoretical tools for carrying out advanced and innovative levels of research in the field of art studies with the objective of completing a doctoral degree thesis or, in the case of work of art based doctoral degrees, the fundamentation required for such recognition;
3. Understanding the transversal nature of artistic objects, their influences and the implications for structuring social, political and cultural life;
4. Capacity to set out the development and the results of advanced Artistic study research as well as participate in national and international academic events in this field or publications in peer-reviewed journals;
5. Capacity to apply the knowledge acquired to new problematic issues related to the field of Artistic Studies and their implications for the epistemologies of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
General characterization
DGES code
PhD (3rd Cycle)
Access to other programs
The degree of "doutor" is a final qualification.
Maria Irene Ângelo Aparício Veríssimo, João Mário Lourenço Bagão Grilo, Ana Margarida Duarte Brito Alves
Opening date
1400 Euros/year or 3000 Euros/year (foreign students)
Teaching language
Portuguese Language
Degree pre-requisites
Length: 8 semesters. Total credits: 240 credits (90 from curricular units + 150 credits from the non teaching component). Non teaching component modalities: Thesis. Number of credits as free-elective optionals: 20 credits. The free-elective seminars can be chosen among curricular units from the postgraduate training offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH/NOVA), in other units of NOVA University of Lisbon, or other national or foreign Higher Education institutions, by agreement or protocol.
Conditions of admittance
1. Candidates must meet the conditions established by national law, by the regulations of the New University of Lisbon, and satisfy at least one of the following conditions: a) To hold a degree of Master in Arts/Artistic Studies or in other legally equivalent; b) To hold a degree of License or legally equivalent, and to detain a particularly relevant scientific, academic or artistic curriculum duly recognized; c) To detain a particularly relevant scientific, academic, artistic or professional curriculum duly recognized. 2. The recognition by the Scientific Council of FCSH mentioned in b) and c) will be based on two recommendations produced by holders of doctoral degrees that are considered as specialists in the domain. 3. Candidates should submit a letter of intentions and a research program articulated with the Doctoral Course.
Evaluation rules
The cycle of studies leading to the degree of Doutoramento (Doctorate) includes following a doctoral programme that consists of course units aimed at providing training to do research, and the submission of an original doctoral thesis especially written for the purpose and which is appropriate to the nature of the branch of knowledge or speciality and which contributes to expanding the boundaries of knowledge. Grades for the seminar-type course units are awarded using a numerical scale ranging from 0 to 20. The final grade awarded to the doctoral course is expressed by Approved or Not Approved. When a candidate is awarded an Approved classification, the final grade of the doctoral course is expressed as a number between 10 and 20, on a scale of 0 to 20, and is the mathematical average of the grades obtained, in which the course units with 10 ECTS have a weighting of 1 while the final thesis has a weighting of 2. The research project is defended in a public defence held at the end of the semester in which the student concludes the doctoral course. It is assessed by a jury comprising 3 members. The thesis is awarded a classification of Approved or Refused through a justified nominal vote with no abstentions permitted; if the thesis is approved, the jury then votes on a grade which may be Good, Good with Distinction or Very Good. The final qualification is awarded under the terms of Article 36, nº 2 of Decree-Law 74/2006, of 24 March, altered by Decree-Law n.º 107/2008, of 25 June, 230/2009, of 14 September, 115/2013, of 7 August, 63/2016, of 13 September, 65/2018, of 16 August.
Obrigatórias | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
73217150 | Research Methods inResearch Methods in Artistic Studies | 10.0 |
73217156 | Research Project in Artistic Studies | 30.0 |
73217151 | Advanced Resarch Themes in Artistic Studies | 10.0 |
73217157 | Thesis in Art Studies - Art and Mediations | 150.0 |
Opções Condicionadas | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
Options | ||
73217153 | Art and Reseearch | 10.0 |
73217152 | Art and Technology | 10.0 |
73217154 | Cinema | 10.0 |
73203115 | Aesthetics | 10.0 |
03100424 | Photography | 10.0 |
73202103 | Research Seminar in Ethnomusicology | 10.0 | Mandatory ECTS number: 20 |