Rural Archaeology
1. To acquire concepts of rural cultures and agrarian techniques
2. To known the sources on the study of rural structures and settlements
3. To identify different types of archaeological remains related to agrarian activities and rural sites.
4. To know some case studies on the archaeology of rural investigation
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Sara Maria Sena Esteves Prata
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
HARRIS, D., Ed. (1996). The origins and spread of agriculture ans pastoralism in Eurasia, London: UCL Press.
HODDER, I.; ORTON, C. (1990). Análisis espacial en arqueología. Barcelona: Crítica.
CRIADO BOADO, F. (1999). Del Terreno al Espacio: Planteamientos y perspectivas para la Arqueología del Paisaje CAPA: Cadernos de Arqueoloxía e Patrimonio. nº 6.
GONZÁLEZ VILLAESCUSA, R. (1996). Arqueología del Paisaje e Historia agraria: algunas cuestiones de método. Revista d´historia medieval. nº 7, 223-24.
Teaching method
Theoretical classes supported by audiovisuals. Practical classes on the analysis of study cases and theoric papers.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
1. Concepts
2. The domestication of plants and animals
2.1 First domesticated plants and animals
2.2 The Proto-historic period and the formation of urban sites
2.3 Rural structures in the Proto-historic period
3. The rural space in the Classic period
3.1 Organization of settlements
3.2 Villae
3.3 Farms and hamlets
3.4 Means of agrarian exploration
4. The late Roman transformations in rural territories
4.1 Villae
4.2 Settlement transformations
5. Early Medieval transformations in rural territories
5.1 Settlement transformations: the rise of the village
5.2 The archaeology of Early Medieval villages
5.3 The expansion of the feudal system
5.4 The archaeology of the means of agrarian exploration
6. Muslim rural settlements
6.1 The organization of the agrarian territory
6.2 The archaeology of Muslims rural sites
6.3 The relation between city and field
6.4 New techniques and cultivations
7. The modern rural territories