Educational Psychology


To acquire the psychological foundations for the work of the teacher.
The student should be able to use theoretical models in the understanding of the phenomena of education, article reading, analysis and evaluation of practical cases and the creation of alternative courses of action in the educational intervention.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Manuel Nunes da Silva Nogueira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 140

Teaching language





  • Arends, R. I. (2008). Aprender a ensinar (7ª ed.). Lisboa: McGraw-Hill.
  • Kaplan, J. S. (2017). Beyond behaviour modification: A cognitive-behavioural approach to behaviour management in the school (4th ed.). Austin, TX: PROED.
  • Pajares, F. M.(2009).
  • Petty, G. (2009). Evidence-based teaching (2nd ed.). Cheltenham, Uk: Nelson Thornes.
  • Skinner, B. F. (1989). Questões recentes na Análise Comportamental. Campinas: Papirus.
  • Tauber, R. T. (2007). Classroom management (4th ed.). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
  • Veiga, F. H. (coord.)(2013). Psicologia da educação: Teoria, investigação e aplicação. Lisboa: Climepsi.
  • Wong, H. K, & Wong, R.T. (2018). The first days of school (5th ed.). Mountain View, CA: H.K. Wong.
  • Hoy, A. W. (2019). Educational psychology (14th ed.). New York: Pearson.

Teaching method

Teacher lectures.
Discussion in class. Paper Presentations.
Visioning and discussing classroom situations.

Evaluation method

Avaliação continua - The assessment will include the presentation before the class of a paper of analysis of a specific case (in Pecha Kucha mode - 20 slides x 20 seconds) (group: 50%), a non-presential test (individual: 45%) and a final reflection on course unit, including a self-assessment (5%).(100%)

Subject matter

Psychology as a science. Psychology and teacher training: the psychology of learning and development as basis for the work of the teacher. Communication, discipline and classroom management: Kaplan's task analysis model.
Behavioral models of learning (classical conditioning and operant conditioning). Bandura's Social cognitive theory. The first day with a new class.