Motivação e Disciplina na Escola


The student should be able to use theoretical models of motivation and discipline to analyze and act on their teaching practice. The student will distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic incentives, diverse types of goals and beliefs about himself/herself, placing them at the service of student motivation. The student should also know how to organize classes in order to create a positive learning environment.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Manuel Nunes da Silva Nogueira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 140

Teaching language



Available soon


Christenson, S. L., Reschly, A. L., Wylie, C. (Eds.)(2012). Handbook of research on student engagement. New York:Springer. Curwin, R. L. & Mendler, A. N. (2008). Discipline with dignity (3 rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Kaplan, J. S. (2017). Beyond behavior modification: A cognitive-behavioral approach to behavior management in the school (4rd ed.). Austin, TX: PROED. Tauber, R. T. (2007). Classroom management (4rd ed.). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. Veiga, F. H. (coord.)(2014). Envolvimento dos alunos na escola: Perspectivas internacionais da psicologia e da educação. Lisboa: Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa. Wentzel, K. R., & Miele, D. B. (2016). Handbook of motivation at school. New York: Routledge. Hoy, A. W. (2019). Educational psychology (14th ed.). New York: Pearson.

Teaching method

Teacher lectures. Discussion in class. Paper presentations. Viewing and discussing classroom situations

Evaluation method

Método de Avaliação - The assessment includes an assignment on the analysis of a specific classroom case (group9(50%), a non-presential test (individual)(45%), and a final reflection on the course, including a self-assessment reflection(5%)

Subject matter

Motivation and human needs. Behavioral approaches, attribution theory, expectation x value theories and selfregulation of learning. Extrinsic and intrinsic incentives. Discipline: Class organization and positive learning environments. Prevention, action and remediation of classroom behavior problems. Factors of student engagement in school.