Practicum Supervision Seminar (Philosophy)
a) Critically reflect on the training activity developed, integrating theoretical and practical skills.
b) Acquire analysis tools aimed at self and hetero evaluation of teaching.
c) Discuss, based on their experience, pertinent problems in the teaching-learning process and in school activities.
d) Build a PES Report Project that combines a critical description of the formation and philosophical exposition of a topic with educational relevance.
e) Develop scientific research capacity in training areas.
f) Develop a deontological attitude towards professional and academic relationships.
g) Consolidate reading, interpretation and textual production skills.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luís Manuel Aires Ventura Bernardo
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 56
Teaching language
- AMADO, J. (Org.). (2013). Manual de investigação qualitativa em educação. Coimbra: Imprensa da UC
- BAILEY, R. et al. (2010). The Sage Handbook of Philosophy of Education. London : Sage.
- BLAIS, M.-C. et al. (2014). Transmettre, apprendre. Paris : Pluriel.
- BOAVIDA, J (2010). Educação Filosofica — sete ensaios. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
- CEIA, C. (2012). Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos, 9ª ed. Lisboa: Editorial Presença
- CoE (2018) Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture.
- CRESWELL, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
- DALBOSCO, C. et al. (orgs) (2008). Filosofia e Pedagogia: aspectos históricos e temáticos. Campinas: Autores Associados.
- ESTRELA, M.T./ CAETANO, A. P. (coords),(2010). Ética Profissional Docente. Do pensamento dos professores à sua formação, Educa, 2010
- ESTRELA, A. (2001). Investigação em Educação: Métodos e Técnicas. Lisboa: Educa
- FABB, N. & DURANT, A. (2005). How to Write Essays and Dissertations. 2nd ed. Harlow: Pearson Education
- GOODSON, I. (2008). Conhecimento e Vida Profissional: estudos sobre educação e mudança. Porto: Porto Editora.
- LAMAS, E. (coord.) (2001). Dicionário de Metalinguagens da Didáctica. Porto: Porto Editora.
- McNIFF, J. (2002). Action Research: Principles and Practice. London: Routledge.
- MORANDI, F. (2002). Pratiques et logiques en pédagogie. Paris : Nathan.
- NEVES, M./JUSTINO, D. (coord.) (2018). Ética Aplicada à Educação. Lisboa: Edições 70.
- OECD (2021) A Good Start in Uncertain Times. Preparing Teachers for a Successful Career. Education Policy Perspectives, nº28
- PINTO, M./FERREIRA, M. (coord.) (2013).. Ensinar Filosofia? O que Dizem os Filósofos. Lisboa: CFUL.
- POMBO, O (2002). A escola, a recta e o círculo. Lisboa: Relógio D´ Água Editores.
- REBOUL, O. (1982). Les valeurs de l’éducation. Paris : PUF.
- SALTEL, P. (coord.) (2002). Les pactes philosophiques. Comment lire les philosophes ?. Paris : Ellipses.
- TUCKMAN, B. W. (2000). Manual de investigação em educação: como conceber e realizar o processo de investigação em educação. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Teaching method
Presentation and discussion of research questions and issues concerning the training activities.
Individual and small group tutoring sessions to support the organisation of the research project to be implemented.
Evaluation method
Continuous assessment - Continuous assessment based on practical tasks, tutorials and self-guided learning(30%), Preparation of the report project(70%)
Subject matter
- Characteristics of communities and school environments.
- Teaching and learning Philosophy - requirements, specifics and issues-
- Teaching profiles: attitudes, skills, practices and values.
- Research projects and practices in the Master's areas: The places of philosophical knowledge in educational reflection and research.
- Bibliographic research.
- Objectives, themes, stages and research protocols.
- The modalities of academic writing.