Supervised Teaching Practice


a) Shows an ability to plan with creativity, scientific and pedagogic consistency, a dynamic sense of class activity and an integration of gauging and reformulation modalities.
b) Executes the plan with dynamism and openness, effortlessly adjusting it to circumstances, enabling a motivated environment and the integration of all students in class.
c) Applies evaluation as regulating element of teaching-learning, from a diagnostic, formative, summative, retrospective and prospective perspective.
d) Displays a demanding behaviour, from a deontological standpoint, and closely supervises the school community’s activities with availability and initiative.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Manuel Aires Ventura Bernardo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 1120

Teaching language





  • Cifuentes, Luis Maria; Gutiérrez, José Maria, Dilosofía. Investigación, innovación y buenas prácticas, Barcelona, Editorial Graó, 2010.
  • Pérez Gómez, Ángel (coord.), Aprender a enseñar en la práctica: Procesos de innovación y prácticas de formación en la educación secundária, Barcelona, Editorial Graó, 2011.
  • Vellas, Etiennette; Fabre, Michel, Situations de formation et problematisation, Bruxelas, De Boeck et Lacier, 2006.
  • Vieira, Flávia, Supervisão, Uma prática reflexiva de formação de professores, Porto, Edições ASA, 1993.

Teaching method

The teaching methodology is focused on the teaching-learning activity, from a general observation, analysis, planification and evaluation perspective.
The intended general sense is to convert scientific and pedagogic knowledge into significant learning for the students, according to the principle of learning by doing.
The local supervisor is responsible for a prescriptive, collaborative and critical role.
The weekly local seminar work sessions allow for the communal and regular analysis of the teaching, the preparation for future activity and all relevant scientific and pedagogic discussion.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment - The evaluation is continuous and its criteria are described in a document which will be discussed with students at the start of the unit; a characterization of the insufficient, sufficient, good and very good grades is made, in regard to the planification, execution, evaluation and integration in the school, as well as the relative weight of each parameter (respectively, 20%, 40%, 20% and 20%).(100%)

Subject matter

a) Reading of the national and local normative and educational guidance documents.
b) Observation and analysis of educational contexts and practices.
c) Global curricular and Philosophy programme interpretation and management.
d) Planification of the programmatic didactic units.
e) Planification and teaching of thematically sequenced classes.
f) Production of evaluation instruments and their application.
g) Presentation and discussion of theoretical and practical problems, in the areas of programmatic contents and their respective didactization.
h) Critical and regular evaluation of the developed teaching practice.
i) Planification and execution of non-teaching projects and activities.
j) Supervision of the teaching activity in all its institutional and functional expressions.
k) Adaptation to the students’ individual needs.
l) Promotion of experiences of a cultural nature.
m) Encouragement of interdisciplinarity.
n) Reflection on the teaching deontology.


Programs where the course is taught: