Philosophy of Education


a) To transfer the competences, the knowledge and the experience developed in the first cycle to understand the typical issues of a Philosophy of Education;
b) To increase critical thought concerning education, based on a consistent knowledge of philosophical systems;
c) To discuss the specificity of the point of vue that Philosophy of Education brings to the contemporary dilemas concerning the meaning of education; d) To interpret the philosophical meaning of educational texts;
e) To develop the competencies of analysis, critical interpretation, research and communication.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Manuel Aires Ventura Bernardo


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon




- AA VV, A Companion to Philosophy of Education, Oxford, Blackwell, 2006.
- AAVV, The Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Education, Oxford, Blackwell, 2002.
- AAVV., The Sage Handbook of Philosophy of Education, London, 2010.
- AAVV., Conditions de l'éducation, Paris, Fayard, 2010.
- ALMIBURU, M. (ed.), Claves de la Filosofia de la Educación, Madrid, Dikynson, 2003.
- BAILEY, R. (ed.), The Philosophy of Education, na introduction, London/New York, Continuum, 2011.
- CARR, D. (ed.), Making Sense of Education: an introduction to the philosophy and the Theory of Education, London, Routledge, 2003.
- CARVALHO, A. (coord.), Dicionário de Filosofia da Educação, Porto, Porto Editora, 2006.
- HOUSSAYE, J. (dir.), Education et Philosophie, Paris, ESF, 1999.

-KERLAN, A.; KOLLY, B., Dictionnaire de philosophie de l'éducation, Paris, ESF, 2021.
- NODDINGS, N., Philosophy of Education, Boulder, West View Press, 2016.
- PRING, R., Philosophy of Education: Aims, Theory, Common Sense and Research, Londres/Nova Iorque, Continuum, 2005.

Teaching method

Presentation of the main issues in dialogue with students; textual analysis; mutual share of personal research.

Evaluation method

Assessment methods

Oral presentation of a the text from the extended bibliography ( - 30.0%

Written essay on one of the main issues or reference books with 5 to 10 pages - 50.0%

Attendance and Participation - 20.0%

Subject matter

1. The epistemological status of the Philosophy of Education;
2. Education as a philosophical question: analysis of the main theoretical references;
3. Some features of the educacional rationality: conceptual models; fundamental assumptions; antinomies; values; goals;
4. Some features of the educational textuality: metaphors, textual assumptions, the order of discourse;
5. Contemporary issues