Philosophy Didactics II
- To express and apply own thought on the programme’s goals and contents, from the standpoint of congruent and systematic management of teaching.
- To discuss the appropriate functions of philosophical research, educational research and self-problematization of the teacher in the teaching-learning process.
- To produce didactic materials based on the enunciation of philosophical problems and the theoretical, conceptual and textual scripts they enable.
- Creatively, variedly and adequately to make use of didactic methodologies and resources, in line with the programme’s goals.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Marta Maria Anjos Galego de Mendonça
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
- AAVV, \"Ensino da Filosofia/Filosofia do Ensino\", Philosophica, nº. 6. Lisboa, Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, 1995.
- Carrilho, Manuel Maria, Razão e transmissão da Filosofia, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, 1987.
- Cifuentes, Luis María; Gutiérrez, José María (coords.), Didáctica de la Filosofía, Barcelona, Editorial Graó, 2010.
- Fabre, Michel, Philosophie et pédagogie du problème, Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2009.
- Ferreira, Maria Luísa Ribeiro (coord.), Ensinar e aprender Filosofia num mundo em rede, Lisboa, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2012.
Teaching method
For teaching this unit, the most adequate theoretical and practical methodology is that of seminar work. Together with a general introduction to each programmatic item, for which the lecturer is responsible, individual presentations by every student will take place, followed by group discussion. The evaluation takes into account, on one hand, these presentations and the remaining participation in seminar sessions and, on the other, a written paper on the scientific and pedagogic script of one of the programme’s curricular units.
Evaluation method
Evaluation methods - Written paper on the scientific and pedagogic script of one of the programme’s curricular units(100%)
Subject matter
1. To construct a personal, supported, integrated and proficient viewpoint of the philosophy teacher’s role in what concerns the course’s educational purposes and programmatic dispositions.
2. Teaching methodologies aspects of philosophy and of the pedagogy of the problem: from spontaneous questioning to systematic reflection.
3. Pedagogic and didactic approach to problems, conceptual frameworks and theoretical references in the main curricular teaching units.
4. Theoretical and practical analysis of the reciprocal implications between pedagogic orientations, methodological options and effective practices in the teaching-learning of philosophy.
5. To overcome the scientific and didactic shortcomings that may be exposed or revealed by the students.