Education Curriculum and Multiculturalism


This course unit expects:

To prepare students to be good professionals / future teachers in school contexts of cultural diversity and also without diversity.
To be able to work with multicultural communities and to develop good practices and intercultural relations.
Teaching pupils to learn about the world and to think about others, in monocultural contexts of teaching and learning.
To be entrepreneurs and develop entrepreneurship.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Raquel Cardeira Varela, Ana Isabel dos Santos Ponce de Leão


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 140

Teaching language





ESTRELA, A. (1994). Teoria e prática de observação de classes: Uma estratégia de formação de professores. 4ª ed., Porto: Porto Editora.
PARASKEVA, J. (org.) (2006). Currículo e multiculturalismo. Mangualde: Edições Pedagogo.
SILVA, M. C. V. da (2008). Diversidade cultural na escola: encontros e desencontros. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, Colecção Pedagogia e Educação.
SILVA, M. C. V. da & GONÇALVES, C. (2011). Diversidade linguística no sistema educativo português: Necessidades e práticas pedagógicas nos ensinos básico e secundário. Lisboa: Observatório da Imigração (Estudo 46), ACIDI.
STOER, S. & CORTESÃO, L. (1999). Levantando a pedra: da pedagogia inter/multicultural às políticas educativas numa época de transnacionalização. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
ZEICHNER, K. M. (1993). Formar os futuros professores para a diversidade cultural. In A formação reflexiva de professores: Ideias e práticas. Lisboa: Educa-Professores, 3, pp. 73-112.

Teaching method

Theoretical information, their own students' motivation for research, students' interaction, interdisciplinarity knowledge from students’ experience in different scientific areas, analysis of texts, videos and others relevant materials, reflection.

Evaluation method

Evaluation method - Critical reading of one scientific article or book in group work (moment to discuss in group different points of vue from the same source and to motivate to entrepeneurship)(50%), Test (moment to produce an individual opinion / speech about a subject proposed by the teacher and to develop synthesis competency).(50%)

Subject matter

III - Contents:
1 - Education:
1.1 - Concepts of education, evolution, and contexts.
1.2 - Paradigms of Education in XXI century: approaches by UNESCO, OCDE, EU.
2 - School:
2.1 - Portuguese school as organization: administration/management, culture, project(s).
2.2 - Contemporary portuguese school: state, actors, and challenges.
2.3 - Legislation: bench mark.
3 - Curriculum:
3.1 - Definition, concepts, and proposals.
3.2 - Curricular development and constraints.
3.3 - Curricular development: pupils, knowledge, and society.
3.4 - Teachers participation in curricular development.
4 - Multicultural educational contexts:
4.1 - Characterization.
4.2 - Approaches.
4.3 - To built pedagogical relation: the teacher; the pupil; the families; cultural descontinuities.
5 - Multi/intercultural contexts of teaching and learning:
5.1 - Pedagogical strategies.
5.2 - School / family relations.
5.3 - School / community relations.
5.4 - Building cityzenship.