Problematics in Philosophy


a) Acquire a thorough knowledge of the core issues in the various philosophical inquiry subject areas;
b) Acquire the ability to make an in-depth analysis of related core problems with their mutual interactions and bridgethe various philosophical inquiry subject areas;
c) Acquire an in-depth knowledge of the core issues in the various schools of history of philosophy and currentphilosophical research;
d) Acquire the ability to relate and thoroughly compare the various currents of history of philosophy and currentphilosophical research;
e) Acquire a thorough knowledge of core problems in an interdisciplinary dialogue between philosophical inquiry andother areas of research;
f) Acquire the ability to identify, formalize and critically explore the various types of problem arising in independentresearch initiatives meeting the highest standards of accuracy.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Manuel Pardana Constâncio


Weekly - 2

Total - 280

Teaching language





  • - parág. 40 da Crítica da Faculdade do Juízo de Kant com o título “Do gosto como uma espécie de sensus communis”(ed. Imprensa Nacional / Casa da Moeda, Lisboa 2017);
  • - cap. C de A Razão na História , com o título “O curso da história universal” de Hegel (Ed. 70, Lisboa, 2020);
  • - Conferência de Ética de L. Wittgenstein (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2017).
  • - Elias Canetti, Massa e Poder, Lisboa, Cavalo de Ferro, 2014
  • - José Ortega y Gasset, A Rebelião das Massas, Lisboa, Relógio d’Água, 2019

Teaching method

The classes are seminar-oriented. The syllabus resorts two main activities. In the first hour we will read, expose and explain the fundamental key concepts and the theoretical frameworks of the texts at stake. In the second hour we willbe interpreting and analysing the texts with the students in order to promote a debate about alternative views, possible objections, argumentation and expression.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment - The evaluation is individual, through one written paper discussed and supervised in tutorial monitoring(100%)

Subject matter

Available soon