Methodology in Archaeology
1) Define archaeology and its role in reconstructing of the past
2) Frame the archaeological practice in the context of the scientific method
3) Understand the specifics of archaeological methodology in various contexts of work, research, field and laboratory.
4) Frame the archaeological practice under national and international legislation, ethics, and good practices.
5) Produce requests, reports, and other scientific documents in accordance with the principles of archaeological practice.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Sara Maria Sena Esteves Prata
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Not applicable
ALARCÃO, Jorge, Para uma conciliação das Arqueologias, Porto, 1996
ALARCÃO, Jorge, A escrita do Tempo e a sua Verdade, Quarteto editora, Coimbra 2000
BICHO, N. F. (2006) – Manual de Arqueologia Pré-Histórica. Lisboa: Edições 70.
ECO, Umberto (1980) - Como se Faz uma Tese em Ciências Humanas, Lisboa, Presença, 1980
HODDER, Ian. 1998. Interpretación en arqueologia: corrientes actuales. Barcelona: Crítica
RENFREW, C.; BAHN, P., (eds.), 2005, Archaeology. The key concepts. Londres: Routledge.
RENFREW, C.; BAHN, P., 2012, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice. 4ª Edição, Londres: Thames & Hudson
Teaching method
Lectures accompanied by audiovisual information. Analysis of national and international case studies and group discussion. In class presentation of the research carried out by students. Study visits to archives, museums and archaeological sites.
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - Attendance and Participation(10%), Research assignment (45%), Written exam(45%)
Subject matter
1. Methodology of scientific work in archaeology
1.1. Archaeology: concepts and methodologies
1.2. Bibliographical research and the tools available online. Citations and references.
1.3. Researching the past: the importance of material sources. Archaeological theory. Interdisciplinarity, paleosciences and experimental archaeology.
1.4. From the workplan to the synthesis: communicating the scientific research.
2. Wring a report
2.1. The legislative framework: the regulation of archaeological work, circulars and forms.
2.2. The archaeological report.
2.3. Archaeology and Environmental Impact Studies.
3. Ethics in archeology. Deontological practice.
4. Archaeology at the service of society. Applied Archaeology. New communication technologies in archaeology. Public Archaeology.