Comparative Political Analysis


a) Learn how to build concepts, typologies and indexes;
b) How to define dependent and independent variables;
c) How to select comparable units in space and time;
d) Develop forms of theoretical generalization.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Camacho Giestas Cancela


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





  • SKOCPOL, Theda e SOMMERS, Margaret, «The uses of comparative history in macrosocial inquiry» in Theda Skocpol, Social Revolutons in the Modern World, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. 72-98
  • LIJPHART, Arend, «The Comparable-Cases Strategy», Comparative Political Studies, 8 (2), 1975, pp. 158-177.
  • RAGIN, Charles C., The Comparative Method. Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1989.
  • ROSE, Richard, «Comparing Forms of Comparative Analysis», Political Studies, XXXIX, 1991, pp. 446-462.
  • SARTORI, Giovanni e MORLINO, Leonardo, La Comparacion en las ciencias sociales, Alianza, Madrid, 1994.

Teaching method

Lectures introducing the major topics of the course, and presentation and discussion of selected texts by the students.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment - Two examinations tests, written in the classroom.(100%)

Subject matter

1. The comparative tradition in political science.
2. Classical foundations of comparative politics
3. Scientific logic: styles of research, inference and theory
4. Concepts, typologies and indexes
5. Causality: dependent and independent variables
6. Case selection and selection bias
7. Strategies and types of comparison
8. Formal methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
9. Time processes: path dependency, sequencing and timing.
10. Historical institutionalism: development and trends
11. Historical institutionalism: two research examples


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