Human Ecology


1. Providing concepts and knowledge; 2. Developing critical and analytical skills; 3. Practicing discussion and communication skills. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Isabel Costa Febrero de Queiroz


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Not applicable


Marten, Gerald A. Human Ecology. Basic concepts for sustainable development. Earthscan, 2001.
Nixon, Rob. «The Anthropocene. The promise and pitfalls of an epochal idea.» In Future Remains. A Cabinet of Curiosities for the Anthropocene, 1–18. Chicago and London: The University Chicago Press, 2018.
Pires, Iva Miranda, e João Lutas Craveiro. Ética e Prática de Ecologia Humana: questões introdutórias sobre a ecologia humana e as emergência dos riscos ambientais. Lisboa: Apenas Livros, 2011.
Robbins, Paul. Political Ecology. A critical Introduction. 2ª edição. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012.
Steiner, Frederick. Human Ecology. How Nature and Culture shape our world. Washington, D. C.: Island Press, 2016.

Teaching method

The course includes  presentation classes by the teacher, joint reflections/discussions of the program's themes, and a final seminar for the presentation of the groups working paper. At the same time concepts are critically presented, examples of current and past problems are called up. Students are confronted with technical-scientific and political-legislative documentation.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - The evaluation comprises a component of continuous participation in class(30%), a written test(40%), and a group working paper (20% written component and 10% oral component ).(30%)

Subject matter

The program identifies a set of socio-ecological interests and prepares students for professional practice and citizenship, within the framework of the complexity of current environmental issues, at a local, regional and local scale:
1) Ecology and Human Ecology. Multidisciplinary contributions. Objectives and basis of Human Ecology.
2) The emergence of Political Ecology. Environmental justice, environmentalism and slow violence.
3) Crisis and environmental emergency. Ecological footprint. Technology production and trade.
4) Anthropocene: biophysical, cultural and socio-ecological perspectives. Generalizations and criticisms.
5) Sustainability. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. European Union Strategy.


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