Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
In this curricular unit, students are expected to develop basic skills of linguistic analysis, which allow them to:
1. Distinguish descriptive and normative attitudes in linguistic analysis;
2. Identify different components of linguistic analysis, as well as the units in
each component;
3. Be familiar with and be able to apply different methodologies appropriate for
the identification of language units at each level of analysis;
4. Create paradigms relevant to linguistic analysis;
5. Observe regularities and draw conclusions through the manipulation of linguistic data.
6. Develop the ability to observe and compare different language
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria do Céu Sernache Caetano Mocho
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Cunha, C. & L. F. Lindley Cintra (1984) Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo, Lisboa: Ed. J. Sá da Costa.
Duarte, I. (2000) Língua Portuguesa. Instrumentos de Análise. Lisboa: Univ. Aberta.
Finegan, E. (2014) Language: Its Structure and Use. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 7ª ed.
Fromkin, V., R. Rodman & N. Hyams (2014) An Introduction to Language. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 10ª ed.
Martins, A. M. & E. Carrilho (orgs.) (2016) Manual de Linguística Portuguesa. De Gruyter Mouton.
Mateus, M. H. M. et al (orgs.) (2003) Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Caminho, 5ª ed.
O'Grady, W., J. Archibald & F. Katamba (2011) Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction (Learning About Language). Longman.
Raposo, E. et al (orgs.) (2013) Gramática do Português. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Teaching method
Classes with a theoretical and a practical component (practice exercises and problem solving).
Evaluation method
Evaluation includes short autonomous works during the semester (15%), an intermediate test (40%) and a final test (45%).
Subject matter
1. Concepts of grammar. Descriptive and prescriptive attitudes towards grammar. Modules of the grammar and linguistic units.
2. Methodological perspectives in linguistic analysis.
3. Sounds.
a) Writing and speech.
b) Language sounds and sound structure.
c) Minimal pairs for the identification of phonemes and their variants.
4. Words.
a) The internal structure of words: identification of morphemes. Processes of word formation.
b) Word classes: identification criteria.
c) Characterisation of some word classes and subclasses.
5. The sentence.
a) Sentence structure: identification of constituents and syntactic functions.
b) Word orders: crosslinguistic comparisons.
c) Complex sentences: coordination and subordination.
6. The corpus as an instrument for linguistic analysis.