Medieval Portuguese History (13th-15th Century)
a) To articulate different space and temporal dimensions of History of Medieval Portugal, between 13th and 15th century.
b) To identify the main political, economical, social and cultural processes that developed in Portugal in the 13th and 14th centuries;
c) To understand the process of overseas expansion with the context and transformations experienced by the kingdom in the final centuries of the Middle Ages;
d) To know the main historiographical interpretations on the studied subjects and the fundamental bibliography about the subject;
e) To allow students to come into contact with Portuguese medieval sources and the possibility of beginning their study and research;
f) To develop the ability of oral and written communication, with historiographical specific vocabulary and concepts of the Medieval Age;
g) To obtain the acquaintance to continue a deep study on the Medieval Age.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Bernardo João da Silveira de Vasconcelos e Sousa
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
See supra
Teaching method
Lectures and practical classes. Lectures consist of the teacher explaining the subjects of the Syllabus. Practical classes involve analysing and commenting on historical documents and historiographical materials relating to the period, previously provided to the students.
Evaluation method
Two written tests taken in class, each worth 50 per cent in terms of the final mark; assessment of oral performance in practical classes, to be included in the final mark. The appeal exam or grade improvement exam consists of a written test, in person, similar to the previous ones.
Subject matter
First Cycle Academic Year 2023-2024 1st Semester
Lecturer: Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa
1. Population and Society
1.1 Population distribution and evolution
1.2 New material conditions
1.3 The town and the countryside
2. Royalty and the kingdom - the Burgundian dynasty from 1248 to 1383
2.1 Afonso III, the "Bolognese"
2.2. King Dinis and the rival powers
2.3 Social crisis and political reforms with Afonso IV
2.4 Pedro I and the "winds" of Castile
2.5 From economic and social crisis to dynastic crisis with Fernando I
3. Emergence and affirmation of the Avis dynasty - "Refounding" the kingdom
3.1 John I - royal bastard, master of Avis, king of Portugal
3.2 From King Duarte to Alfarrobeira - "Progress of modernity" or "manorial reaction"?
3.3 The start of overseas expansion