Patrimony Management and Law
a) Understand the concept of cultural heritage, internationally and in the portuguese context;
b) Know the organization of the cultural heritage public administration at the national, regional and municipal level;
c) Learn the general principles of cultural heritage law;
d) Know the legal framework for the cultural heritage protection, conservation, restoration and enjoyment;
e) Critically reflection on conservation and restoration works on built cultural heritage;
g) Identify the main topics and ongoing challenges of museum management;
h) Learn key concepts of museum economy and management in theory and in the practice of the museum work;
i) Know the main museum management values and models;
j) Apply information to case studies.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Tiago Paiva de Andrade de Almeida Filipe
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
RAMOS, José Luís Bonifácio; Claro, João Martins (coord.) - Novos Estudos de Direito do Património Cultural, Lisboa, Petrony Editora, 2019.
NABAIS, José Casalta – Introdução ao Direito do Património Cultural, 2ªEd., Coimbra, Edições Almedina, 2010.
LOPES, Flávio; CORREIA, Miguel Brito, Património Cultural – Critérios e Normas Internacionais de Protecção, Caleidoscópio, Casal de Cambra, 2014.
American Alliance of Museums; Oxford Economics – Museums as Economic Engines: A National Study, United States of America: America Alliance of Museums, December 2017.
LORD, Gail Dexter; MARKERT, Kate - The Manual of Strategic Planning for Museums, United States of America: Altamira Press, 2007.
MAIRESSE, François - Le Musée Hybride, Paris: La Documentation Française, Collection Musées Mondes, 2010.
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical, using images and texts.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - Written exam(100%)
Subject matter
a) Concept of cultural heritage;
b) Cultural heritage public policy;
c) The role of the State, the Muncipalities and the Church in the heritage safeguard;
d) Risk prevention for heritage and museums;
e) New types of heritage and special legal regimes;
f) Interventions on cultural heritage: restoration and upgrading; criteria and methodologies; the importance of the archeology;
g) Criminal and misdemeanour control for the cultural heritage;
h) Copyright and museums;
i) Indentify the main challenges to museum management over the last decades and in the present times. Analyse and compare museums of different administrations, geographies and organizational cultures;
j) Learn key concepts in the field of the museums economy and management; Know key policy international documents to this field of work.
k) Comprehend the values of heritage in the context of management;
l) Comprehend the basic museum management models;
m) Apply the information to problem-solving case studies.