Inventorying and Conservation of Collections


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General characterization





Responsible teacher

Susana Maria Simões Martins


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



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ROBERTS, A. (2004). Invent. and Documentation In BOYLAN, P.J., (Ed.). Running a Museum: A Pract. Handbook. Paris: ICOM, 31-50.
LADKIN, N. (2004). C. Management In BOYLAN, P.J., (Ed.). Running a Museum: A Practical Handbook. Paris: ICOM, 17-30.
MATOS, A. (2007). Os sistemas de informação na gestão de colecções museológicas: Contribuições para a certificação de museus. Dissertação de Mestrado do Curso Integrado de Estudos Pós-graduados em Museologia apresentada à FLUP.
USILLOS, A. G. (2010), Museología y documentación. Criterios para la definición de un proyecto de documentación en museos, Gijón, Ediciones Trea, S.L
CORR, S. (2000). Caring for collections: a manual of preventive conservation. Dublin: The Heritage Council.
THOMSON, G. (1996) - The Museum Environment. 2.ª ed., Londres: Butterwor Heinemann.
CAMACHO, Clara (coord.) (2007). Plano de Conservação Preventiva: bases orientadoras, normas e procedimentos. Col. Temas de Museologia. Lisboa: MC- I. dos M. e da Conservação

Teaching method

Lessons with an expository component (supported by audiovisual resources) and the presentation of case studies and analysis of best practices. Following the seminar format, students participate in the survey and selection of cases through visits to museums and some lectures and discussions with professionals and technicians in the areas of documentation, cataloguing and conservation in museums.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Evaluation by attendance and active participation in seminar sessions, submitting a critical review within the recommended bibliography or other proposed and accepted at the workshop and the presentation and discussion of a paper written in the form report or plan or project, reported to the documentation and preservation of an object or a collection in a museological context(100%)

Subject matter

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Programs where the course is taught: