Methodologies in Urban Studies


Students are expected to develop the following skills:
a) Understanding of the nature and process of social science research;
b) Perception of different types of research and underlying methodological strategies;
c) Familiarization with the different research methods;
d) Ability to articulate theoretical conceptualization and empirical operationalization;
e) Ability to develop a research proposal, including theoretical construction and conceptualization, operationalization and measurement, case selection, data collection, analysisand interpretation;
f) Bibliographic research training and organization of academic reading and writing
g) Incorporation of the methodological procedures contained in the program through research experiments in Urban Studies

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Pedro Lopes de Oliveira Silva Nunes


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


Albarello, L.,, Práticas e métodos de investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1997

Babbie,E. (2021)  The practice of social research  (15th ed), Boston : Cengage, 2021 (Bib.ISCTE: S.113 BAB*Pra 15ªed)

Beaud, S., Weber, F., Guide de l’enquête de terrain, Paris, Ed. La Découverte, 1997. (tradução brasileira : Guia para a pesquisa de campo, Petropolis, Vozes Lda., 2007) 

Bertaux, D., As Narrativas de Vida, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais, 2020 (Bib Iscte: S.113 BER*Rec trd.por)

Bryman, Alan (2012) Social Research Methods, Oxford, Oxford University Press, (Bib. ISCTE: S.113 BRY*Soc 4ªed. ex.5)

Della Porta, Donatella e Michael Keating (eds.) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Flick, U. Métodos Qualitativos na Investigação Científica, Lisboa , Monitor, 2002 

Ragin, Charles (1994) Constructing Social Research. The Unity and Diversity of Method, Thousand Oaks, Pine Forge

Pestana, M.H. e Gageiro, J.N., Análise de dados para ciências sociais, Lisboa, Sílabo, 2014 (Introdução; Cap1) (Bib Iscte: MQ.124 PES*Ana 6ªed)

Peixoto, P. (2018). Fontes de Informação Sociológica. Obtido em 12 de setembro de 2021, de Fontes de Informação Sociológica (“Plano de aulas-Aula 2”; “Como citar e referenciar”; “O que é uma ficha de leitura”).

Teaching method

The teaching-learning process combines: 1) theoretical/practical classes; 2) conducting research exercises; 3) research sessions in Urban Studies, according to the definedsyllabus (one for each research method) and 4) autonomous work.

Evaluation method

The periodic evaluation process involves participating in classes, presenting the project in class and writing the corresponding research project report. The grade for each of these moments corresponds to, respectively, 30% and 70% of the final grade. This assessment focuses on the construction of a research project in two phases that correspond to the aforementioned moments.

Presentation (30%): oral presentation of the topic; presentation of the starting question, presentation of the objectives of the work, indication of the main concepts/authors and indication of the technique to be used. Presentation date: January 9th.
Written report (70%): to be defined. Delivery date: January 16th.

Subject matter


1. Nature and process of investigation
Types of research and methodological strategies
The research cycle and investigation stages
2. Research resources and working methods
Diversity of sources, documentary research and digital resources
Literature review
Texts: projects, reports, theses
3. Quantitative and qualitative research strategies
Extensive/quantitative research
The nature of extensive research
The quantitative data production process: sample and questionnaire structuring
Quantitative data analysis
Intensive/qualitative research
The nature of qualitative research
The interview in qualitative research
Ethnography and participant observation
The use of documents in qualitative research
Content analysis
4. Overcoming the quantitative/qualitative dichotomy
Combination of methods in research design
Integration of extensive and intensive methods: the comparative-typological method
5. Examples of investigation
Exploration and analysis of investigations in urban studies


Programs where the course is taught: