Postgraduate in Internal Communication and Well-being in Organizations

Education objectives

The postgraduate course in Internal Communication and well-being in organizations invites CEO, managers and communication professionals to think about internal communication in parallel with the strategic management of organizations. The course consists of six (6) theoretical-practical seminars arranged in 2 academic semesters. The corporate culture seminar proposes to think about internal communication from the core of corporate culture. Symbolic codes, narratives, and artefacts (such, as the architecture of spaces and graphic identity will be (de)constructed and analyzed here. The storytelling seminar aims to look at the informal narratives that circulate within organizations spontaneously and transform them in personalized communication that generates engagement. The seminar on well-being in organizations aims to place trainees in challenging environments of tension, seeking to find actions and policies that aim to reduce these problems. The seminar on shared decision-making processes aims to broaden reflection on how interpersonal communication focused on the common good can minimize conflicts. The seminar on Internal Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility aims to provide the trainees with theoretical and practical knowledge that potentiates the construction of internal communication strategies with a focus on the social economy. The thematic seminar welcomes specialists and professionals who have created/implemented innovative and successful internal communication strategies. Specific learning objectives:
1. To be able to relate the types of organizational culture with the levels of well-being and engagement of employees;
2. To know the constituents of corporate culture;
3. To transform spontaneous narratives into aggregating storytelling;
4. To Improve interpersonal communication to create better working relationships in the workplace;
5. To be able to propose internal communication solutions that respond to the challenges of contemporary organizations.

General characterization

DGES code



Postgraduate programmes



Access to other programs

Not applicable.


Ivone Marília Carinhas Ferreira

Opening date





1800 Euros/year



Teaching language

Portuguese Language

Degree pre-requisites

Total credits: 60 ECTS based in the compulsory curricular units. (1 ECTS - European Credit Transfer System = a 28-hour workload).

Conditions of admittance

Application and access conditions to the cycle of studies reflect the conditions established in the national legislation, namely: - To hold a degree (1st cycle), or legal equivalent; - To hold a foreign academic degree recognized by the Scientific Council (SC) of NOVA FCSH; - To hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae, recognized by the Scientific Council (SC) of NOVA FCSH. Applicants will be selected and ranked according to the criteria annually defined in the application edict.

Evaluation rules

The evaluation regulation in force at the host institution is adopted. Each course unit describes the assessment methods in detail. 1) Mandatory precedence is not required for attending postgraduate courses. 2) Knowledge assessment is individual and will be carried out at the end of the academic semesters. In the assessment of the knowledge, final written and/or oral tests, works or other elements of assessment carried out by students within the different curricular units will be considered under conditions to be defined by the respective teachers. The evaluation result will be expressed on a numerical scale from 0 to 20 values. 3) It is considered approved in a curricular unit that the student who obtains the final classification equal or superior to 10 values.


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