Social and Cultural Interactions in the Portuguese Expansion
The main goal of this discipline is to identy and to analyze the multi- and intercultural aspects resulting from the Portuguese Expansion. This time period, the so called First Globalization, is characterized by intense cultural exchanges that had profound impact not only in the European culture but also, and mostly, in the different peoples and cultures that the Portuguese contacted with. Socially, it lead to changes in local systems and to the creation of new colonial societies namely in the Atlantic sphere. The Portuguese Expansion boosted and led to the emergence of very different social and ecological systems that were deeply marked by its geographic and cultural diversity. It is important to understand local particularities and structures, both in political and environmental terms, and to address the Portuguese Empire in a crosscultural and global context.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nina Vieira Portugal Azevedo
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
COSTA, João Paulo Oliveira e & LACERDA, Teresa (2007). A Expansão Portuguesa. Uma História de Interculturalidade, Lisboa, Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Minorias Étnicas (ACIME).
BENTLEY, J.H., SUBRAHMANYAN, Sanjay & WIESNER-HANKS, Merry E. (Eds.) (2018). The Cambridge World History. Volume VI. The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE. Part I: Foundations. Cambridge University Press.
BOXER, Charles (1977) Relações Raciais no Império Colonial Português, 1415-1825, Porto, Afrontamento.
DAS, Nandini (2016). Encounter as Process: England and Japan in the Late Sixteenth Century. Renaissance Quarterly, 69: 1343-1368.
RUSSELL-WOOD, A. J. R. (1998). Um Mundo em Movimento. Os Portugueses na África, Ásia e América (1415-1808), Lisboa, Difel.
SCHWARTZ, Stuart (1988). Segredos Internos. Engenhos e escravos na sociedade colonial, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras.
Teaching method
The discipline is developed in an e-learning regime, supported on the MOODLE platform. Courses are taugh through videos and also through readings, podcasts and access to different online resources.
Evaluation method
Método de avaliação - Evaluation of the discipline is made through the partial evaluation of: participation on MOODLE fora (continuous); mid-term paper; final paper (a topic to be selected together by students and professor). (100%)
Subject matter
1. Demography and peoples circulation in the Portuguese Expansion.
2.Portuguese contribution for the so called First Globalization.
3. Cultural interactions resulting from the Portuguese Expansion.
4. Sociocultural interaction in the Portuguese Empire.
5. Ecological interactions in the Portuguese Empire.
6. Encounters and Confronts between peoples and its sociocultural and ecological impacts