Education and Multiculturalism
a To reflect about Education today.
b To relate educative questions with multi-ethnic academic contexts.
c To understand the relevance of Education building individual and social identities.
d To contribute to an intercultural citizenship.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Raquel Cardeira Varela
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Alfredo Bosi, Dialética da Colonização, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1992.
Asad Haider, Armadilha da identidade: raça e classe nos dias de hoje. Tradução: Vinicius Liberato. São Paulo: Editora Veneta, 2018
Dermerval Saviani, A Pedagogia Histórico Crítica: primeiras aproximações, 11. ed. rev. Campinas, Autores Associados, 2011.
Dermeval Saviani, Escola e democracia, 32. ed. Campinas, Autores Associados, 1999.
Frederic Jameson, Pós-modernismo, a lógica cultural do capitalismo tardio, São Paulo, Ática, 1997.
Immanuel Kant, “Resposta à Questão: O que é Esclarecimento?” (Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung ?), Tradução de Márcio Pugliesi Cognitio: Revista de Filosofia, Cognitio, São Paulo, v. 13, n. 1, p. 145-154, jan./jun. 2012.
Lev Vygotski, Psicologia pedagógica, São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2001.
Maria Cândida Proença (coord), O Sistema de Ensino em Portugal séculos XIX-XX, Lisboa, Colibri, 1998.
Vivek Chibber, Capitalism, class and universalism – escaping the cul-de-sac of postcolonial theory, 2014, Socialist Register, 63-79.
Teaching method
Debates in classes with the support of documents and texts
Individual research
Evaluation method
Assessment methods
Participation in classes and carrying out the work proposed in classes (50%). Individual written work: which can be research on sources; bibliography synthesis; critical review of some of the topics in the class. The theme of the work is discussed with the professor and presupposes the presentation of the development plan. It should be between 2000 to 2500 words (50%). An oral exposition of the work must be done in the classroom.
Subject matter
Education: objectives and challenges.
History of Education: a global perspective
Multiculturalism and universalism in the contemporary world.
Culture / cultures in the global world.
Multi/intercultural education: foundations; principles; objectives
Education and society
Programs where the course is taught: