Master in Biomaterials and Nanomedicine

Education objectives

The Master in Biomaterials and NanoMedicine is a unique course in Portugal and with unusual characteristics in the international context. It aims at training masters students with advanced multidisciplinary knowledge in the fields of Materials with Biomedical applications and Nanotechnologies for the processing of materials and production of devices with applications to Biomedicine, such as:

- new biosensors for the early detection of disease markers using non-invasive methods;

- contrast agents for medical imaging diagnosis;

- new ways of encapsulating and controlling the delivery of drugs that can increase their effective effectiveness and mitigate effects;

- creation of bio-synthetic organs and tissues for clinical application and as in vitro models for testing the safety and efficacy of new drugs and cosmetics.

Additionally, the masters in Biomaterials and NanoMedicine acquire skills to design and conduct scientific projects and experiments and to interpret the respective results and communicate effectively in an academic and business environment.

Career opportunities

Masters in Biomaterials and NanoMedicine acquire a unique set of knowledge and skills that makes them essential both in research groups dedicated to these areas and in industries with high economic impact to meet the need for a developing market with exponential innovation, like: medical devices, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and bio-synthetic tissues and organs industries.

General characterization

DGES code



Master (2nd Cycle)



Access to other programs

Access to a 3rd cycle


Jorge Alexandre Monteiro de Carvalho e Silva

Opening date





Portuguese students: 1500 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year



Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 2 years

Credits: 120 ECTS

Scientific Area Acronym ECTS
Mandatory Optional
Biology B 3 0
Biomaterials or Nanomedicine BM / NM 60 0
Engineering Sciences CE 3 0
Materials Engineering EMt 9 0
Nanomedicine Nm 21 0
Chemical Engineering  EQ 6 0
Medicine or Biology or Social Sciences and Humanities or Chemistry or Multidisciplinar Med / B / CHS / Q 0 9
Transferable Skills CC  3 0
 Any Scientific Area   QAC 0  6 a)
TOTAL 96 24

(a) 6 ECTS in courses chosen by the student on a list approved annually by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCTwhich includes the unity of all scientific areas of NOVA FCT.

Conditions of admittance

Available soon

Evaluation rules

The evaluation of all UCs is continuous for all the components that integrate it, and it must be completed by the last day of the school term of the academic semester.

The continuous evaluation of a UC must include a minimum of three elements in the set of evaluation components, on dates adequately spaced throughout the period of classes.

All UCs with a theoretical-practical evaluation component must provide, in addition, a form of evaluation of this component by exam, to be carried out after the period of classes (Examination of Appeal).

All requirements and conditions related to the evaluation of the UC, namely the minimum weights and classifications, if any, of each component, as well as the Frequency conditions, are defined a priori and, mandatorily, published in the Discipline Form.

For each UC, combinations of three evaluation components are allowed: (i) Theoretical-practical evaluation; (ii) Laboratory or project evaluation; (iii) Summative assessment.

The final Dissertation (or Project) involves a public discussion with a Jury.

Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos (Licenciaturas, Mestrados Integrados e Mestrados.)


1.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
12481 Biomaterials and Nanomedicine 3.0
5324 Biosensors 6.0
12484 Scientific and Technological Complements 3.0
12482 Nanofabrication and Characterization of Biomaterials 3.0
12483 Polymer Synthesis for Bioapplications 6.0
1.º Semester - Opção I
Code Name ECTS
11186 Drug Discovery, Design and Development 3.0
12490 Systems Physiology 3.0
10423 Business Management 3.0
12107 Cell Death and Injury 3.0
10862 Microeconomics 3.0
11182 Active Ingredients 3.0
O aluno deverá obter 3.0 créditos nesta opção.
1.º Semester - Unidade Curricular de Bloco Livre
Code Name ECTS
11066 Unrestricted Electives 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
2.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
10380 Entrepreneurship 3.0
12486 Tissue Engineering 6.0
12488 Medical Imaging and Theranostics 6.0
12487 Host-NanoBiomaterial Interactions 3.0
12485 Drug Delivery Systems 6.0
2.º Semester - Opção II
Code Name ECTS
11853 Molecular Biomedicine 3.0
7210 Structural Bioorganic Chemistry 6.0
10783 Clinical Biochemistry 6.0
11188 Molecular immunology 3.0
10506 Socio-Economics of Innovation 3.0
10508 Sociology of Organizations 3.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
2.º Year
Code Name ECTS
12491 Dissertation in Biomaterials and Nanomedicine 57.0
3.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
12489 Translation in Biomaterials and Nanomedicine 3.0
Unidade Curricular de Bloco Livre - O estudante deverá realizar 6 ECTS de entre as UC que integram o Bloco Livre FCT, aprovado anualmente pelo Conselho Científico da FCT NOVA, o qual inclui unidades de todas as áreas científicas da FCT NOVA.