Physics III
Theoretical lectures are designed toward the understanding of laws and concepts of Physics (Electromagnetism) and their application to the resolution of real problems. In laboratory classes, emphasis is given to the experimental methods of Physics, to metrology and scientific reporting.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria de Fátima Guerreiro da Silva Campos Raposo
Weekly - 4
Total - 54
Teaching language
Available soon
1) “Fundamentals of Physics”, Hallidays , Resnick and Walker
2) Many applet-like animations and simulations that help to visualize and / or perceive phenomena linked to electromagnetism (and not only) are available on the Internet. See in particular:
3) Other links may be indicated by teachers during the semester.
Teaching method
The curricular unit is divided into a theoretical component, a problem solving component and a practical part (Laboratory). The theoretical classes will be taught in two weekly sessions (1 h + 1h30) and the problem solving component in one weekly hour.
The practical classes, given in four sessions of two hours, are dedicated to highlight some processes related to electromagnetism with the objective of verifying phenomena and physical processes described in the theoretical classes. They are also used in the handling of "usual" apparatuses (Oscilloscope, multimeter, voltage sources ...).
The practical part is evaluated (30% of the final grade) based on the student''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s performance in class and a brief report delivered at the end of the class. The theoretical evaluation (concepts and resolution of exercises, 70% of the final grade) is evaluated with two tests or with final exam.
Evaluation method
Assessment methods (1-09-2023)
The teaching structure of F3 classes consists of:
Classroom sessions:
- 2.5 theoretical hours (1h + 1.5 h, CLIP Terminology: Theoretical-Practical: "TP") dedicated to the presentation of the subject. As far as possible, from these 2.5h T, 30 minutes will be dedicated to interactive question/answer sessions.
- 1 theoretical-practical h (TPrático; CLIP Terminology: "TP") dedicated to solving exercises, every week. TP classes are limited to 55 students. This year, students with attendance obtained in previous years can enroll in any "TP" class within the limit of available places. Enrollments - mandatory - to these POL classes are made at CLIP with the rules of the usual draws.
On-Line Activities
- 2 hours of practical classes (class of 16 students, CLIP Terminology: Practical: "P"). These practical classes are reserved for non-attendance students. This year, 4 works will be performed in these classes. A previous preparation made "at home" is an integral part of each job and will consist of the execution of a simulation (On-Line Practical Work: "TPOL")
I- F3 evaluation:
PRACTICE Component ("Frequency")
- , The frequencies obtained prior to Physics III will be valid for two lective years. It is the student''''''''s responsibility to check on the CLIP his/her situation regarding “attendance”. The rule that limits the validity of attendance to two years will apply from the next academic year.
- Practical classes are mandatory for students without attendance.
- In practical classes, 4 practical assignments will be carried out, in groups of 2 students, following the dates indicated by the teachers.
- Each practical work will be assigned a grade from 0 to 5 based on the student''''''''s performance. Failure to carry out a practical assignment will correspond to a “0” grade. Anyone who foresees that, for a reasoned reason, will not be able to attend a class will have to change classes with a colleague, informing the teachers involved of the change.
- In the weeks prior to the practical execution of each assignment, students have to prepare the assignments through the "at home" execution of an On-Line Practical Assignment (“TPOL”). The quality of the report automatically generated at the end of the TPOL will be evaluated on a scale from 0 to 4. A minimum grade of 2 is mandatory to access the laboratory class. The non-delivery of this report implies a grade of "0" and the non-authorization of the execution of the work in the laboratory class.
- The grade of the practical component, NP, will consist of 75% of the sum of the grades of the practical classes (calculated on a 0-15 scale) and 25% of the sum of the TPOL grades (scale 0-5).
- Approval for the practical component will be obtained if PL≥9.50 (PL: “Frequency grade”).
THEORETICAL Component - Tests and Exams
- The evaluation of this component is based on two tests (face-to-face) of 1h30 taken during the semester (test scores=NT, between 0 and 20) and/or a recourse exam (score=NR, between 0 and 20)
- The tests and the exam will consist of a part of “Quizz-like” questions (Multiple Answers) and a part of problem-solving (similar to those existing in the series and those solved in exercise classes).
- NT = (NT1+NT2)/2, NT1 and NT2 corresponding to the scores of Test 1 and Test 2 respectively.
Students with acquired frequency within the former two years to 2021-2022:
- Approved if NT or NR≥9.50 with final grade = NT or NR
Students with frequency acquired in 2022-2022 or in 2022-2023:
- Approved if NT or NR ≥9.5 and NP≥9.5
- Final grade= 0.7xNT+0.3xNP or 0.7xNR+0.3xNP rounded to the nearest units.
Grade improvement
- Students who have passed the Curricular Unit can improve only the classification of the theoretical component.
- The final improvement grade is calculated in the same way as the final grade calculated for approval
II- Enrollment in practical and theoretical-practical classes
- Practical classes (lab classes):
Each block of 2 hours in the timetable corresponds to 2 practical classes that will have practical classes alternately, according to the plan posted in CLIP. Enrollment in practical classes is mandatory and made at CLIP at the beginning of the semester "as usual".
In the first practical class (face-to-face, the 2 practical classes Pn, Pn+1 at the same time, the rules for evaluating this component will be remembered). There will also be a brief introduction to TPOL. At the end of this class, working groups will be formed (2 students per group).
Students absent from the first class will have their registration for the practical shift canceled at CLIP and will have to undergo the process for a new registration. At the end of the first class, shift changes may be accepted within the limit of available places: students who wish to do so must attend the session for the desired practical shift. Other cases must be dealt with the teachers. More information on this subject will be given during the first week of classes.
- Theoretical-practical classes (exercise classes, “TP”): These classes are limited to 38 students and will be taught online. This year, students with attendance achieved in previous years can enroll in any TP class within the limit of available places. These classes are not mandatory but enrollment in these classes is mandatory for anyone who wants to attend. Enrollments in classes are made in CLIP "as usual" and will follow the rules of the usual draws. Students who do not intend to attend these classes are asked not to enroll…
III- Online Practical Work (TPOL)
• The On-Line Practical Works (TPOL) are interactive “applications” that replicate a part of the operations that will have to be performed while carrying out the experimental work in the laboratory. Thus, they allow a previous preparation of some of the works carried out in the Electromagnetism laboratory. They will be used for practical work “Oscilloscope”, “Charging and discharging capacitors”, “Direct current circuits” and “Faraday induction”. The TPOL must be carried out and delivered (individually) before the deadline (two working days before the date of the in-person work). More information on page TPOL22/23 of Moodle (password communicated in the first practical class).
IV- Discipline Rules
Tests and Exams (face-to-face)
- Registration for the tests, made through CLIP, is mandatory.
- Students may only have with them during the test instruments to write, ruler, an identification document with photo, and a “simple” calculator (ie neither graphical nor programmable, nor capable of storing files that can be considered as an aid to resolution of the test).
- Students who commit fraud in an assessment test automatically fail and lose the frequency if they have already obtained it. Following the FCT regulations, the occurrence will be reported to the FCT Director.
- Other specifications about the tests may be announced in the week prior to their completion.
other rules
- To make online classes more user-friendly, teachers recommend that students turn on the cameras…
- The use of laptops and other electronic devices during the practical class is subject to the approval of the teachers.
- Students have to take the PRINTED scripts to practical classes. Teachers have the right to ask the student not to print them.
- Punctuality: students must be present in the classroom at the beginning of the class. Faculty will be able to prevent the entry of students who arrive more than 5 minutes late;
- In all classes, mobile phones must remain switched off and stored until the end of the class.
Students should ask UC professors about any inaccuracies in the indications given and about poorly perceived, ambiguous or missing rules. Common sense will always be privileged. In particular,
… it is not because it has not been explicitly prohibited that it is authorized…
Subject matter
- Electric charge
- Electric field
- Gauss law
- Electric potential
- Capacitance
- Current and resistance
- Circuits
- magnetic field
- Magnetic fiel due to currents
- Induction and Inductance
- Magnetism of matter
Programs where the course is taught: