Introduction to Industrial Engineering
- To provide an overview of Industrial Engineering areas and activities
- To exemplify and study a number of quantitative methods used in Industrial Engineering
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Paula Ferreira Barroso, Susana Carla Vieira Lino Medina Duarte
Weekly - 3
Total - 48
Teaching language
The curricular unit is taught in the 2nd semester and is the first within the scope of the course, with no prior knowledge required.
Chase, R. B., Jacobs F. R. e Aquilano N. (2005), Operations Management for Competitive Advantage with Global Cases, 11ª ed., McGraw-Hill Publishing Co, UK.
Heizer, J., Render, B. e Munson, C. (2017), Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, 12ª ed., Pearson, New Jersey.
Roldão, V. e Ribeiro, J. S. (2014), Gestão das Operações. Uma Visão Integrada, 2ª ed., Monitor, Lisboa.
Slack N., Chambers S. e Johnston R. (2016), Operations Management, 8ª ed., Prentice Hall, Harlow.
Stevenson, W. (1998) Productions/Operations Management, 6ª ed., Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Teaching method
The curricular unit is taught in theoretical-practical classes, with a load of 3 hours/week. During the classes, different activities are developed.
An active and dynamic didactic-pedagogic approach is used to motivate the students to learn the Industrial Engineering areas and activities.
Evaluation method
A Project Evaluation type, which consists of the development of a project, based on the following elements:
-Activities: 8 group activities will be carried out, which will be evaluated by: 1) the degree of success in carrying out the activity, 2) the contribution of each student to the execution of the activity. Activities have dependencies between them.
-Test: will be carried out individually
-Report: performed as specified.
-Presentation: presentation of the completed project.
The IEI grade will be composed as follows:
Final grade = 0.45 *(A1 + A2 +..+ A7)/7 + 0.2*T + 0.20*R + 0.15*A
Ai - note of performance in carrying out the activity. The activity grade will be calculated as follows
A= R*CI where
R - success in achieving the proposed results
CI - individual contribution to the execution of the activity.
T - Test score
R - Report grade
A - Presentation grade
The score for each of the assessment components is rounded to the nearest tenth.
The frequency, valid for 1 year, depends on the student present on the Seminar.
Approval occurs if the final grade is equal to or greater than 9.5 values.
Subject matter
Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management. Definitions, differences and complementarity.
Management and production systems in industry and services. Concepts of productivity, competitiveness and optimization.
Operations management.
Project management.
Materials management.
Layout. Balancing assembly lines.
Quality management