Mechanical Engineering Drawing


To know and apply the graphical representation rules of the mechanical components and their assembling. Introduction to the computer aided drawing (2D).

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António José Freire Mourão, João Manuel Vicente Fradinho


Weekly - 5

Total - 65

Teaching language





Desenho Técnico – Luís Veiga da Cunha – Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian;

Desenho Técnico Moderno – Arlindo Silva, Carlos Tavares Ribeiro, João Dias, Luís Sousa – Ed. Lidel;

Elements provided by professors.

Teaching method

The oral exposition is essentially the teaching method used, associated with sketches, schemes and resumes made by the teacher in the classroom blackboard. The video projector is also used in the classroom.The teacher solves some typical problems to teach the strategy of resolution to the students.

Then some practical problems are presented and the students have to answer them in the classroom in a period of time.

Evaluation method

a) The evaluation of the students is done by two tests, examination and - practical works.

b) Attendance in the course presupposes the delivery and acceptance of a certais number of practical works (to be defined).

c) Attendance is valid for one year.

d) Approval presupposes obtaining at least 10 values in the final exam.

e) Exemption of examination requires at least 10 values in the weighted average of the two tests (35% each) and two pratical works to be defined (15% each). The value thus calculated constitutes the final classification.

Subject matter

1)     Rules for graphical representation of mechanical components.

2)     Representation through orthogonal projections.

3)     Sectional views.

4)     Intersections of solids, and development of surfaces.

5)     Axonometric perspectives (isometric, diametric and trimetric)

6)     Dimensioning, and functional dimensioning.

7)     Representation of the machine elements.

8)     Concepts of tolerances and surface finishes.

9)     Assembly set drawings, with standard components.

10)   Introduction to computer aided design (2D), with free software.


Programs where the course is taught: